Slumber party part 1

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Normal speech: "hello"
Yelling: 'hello'
Special move "hello"
All Might talk "hello"

Third person POV

While the events that had transpired at USJ we're wrapping up and everyone was taking a few moments to relax a bit when Brandon and Momo came to the rest of class 1-A with an idea.
Brandon: "Hey guys why don't we all have a slumber party at Momo's place in like a week since school is canceled for a bit."
Momo: "Because for parental support and he doesn't trust most of you yet."
Brandon. "Hey that was supposed to be a secret why did you tell that to them."
Has he is crouched in a corner poking the ground.
Jake: "I think that's a great idea we can all get to know each other more since we are all going to be spending the next few years together."
Murmur's of sure sounds good a few said they have to ask their mom first.
Brandon: "All right lets get each other's numbers so we can plan a day and time."
Jake: "I hope Izuku is okay his quirk has a horrible drawback to it I wonder why he should have been using it most his life why would it still hurt him."
Bakugo: "I don't know how the f**king nerd did it but he was qurikless or the piece of s**t hid it from me all this time."
Jake thinks back to the beach and knows what he is talking about but doesn't tell anyone anything, everyone exchanges numbers then are allowed to go home but no one notices Jake sneaking into the shadows to go see Midoriya.
Jake: "Hey Izuku you got hurt pretty badly didn't you how did you manage that." Jake notices he walks into what seams to be a sensitive conversation and starts sneaking out but before he does leaves a note with his number on it and explaining the plan for next week and runs off and joins the others on the bus before they noticed him besides Ian and Brandon.

-Talk with the teachers at U.A-

???: "This was a planned attack on USJ how were we not prepared for this."
Nezu: "It was most likely when the press got in they most have stolen a schedule during that time."
???2: "That doesn't explain why we apparently have the son of Monster Man one of the most dangerous villains to have lived."
Nezu: "That may be true but you have not seen the rest of the recording."
He shows the rest of the recording.
???: "And we are 100 percent certain that he wants to be a hero."
Nezu: "Yes we are I talked with the boy before he went home and right before this meeting he said throughout this whole thing one of the only things that was able to keep him going was his drive to be a hero, other things were what happened to mr. Aizawa, and what has happened in his past but he didn't tell me much on that one."
???2: "If it is bad you probably can't expect to hear it that's something properly locked deep within his heart and it is most likely something horrible." As he is talking everything starts to go dark as a camera looks down from the sky to Momo's home or mansion or whatever you want like.

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