Chapter 2

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Normal speech: "hello"
Yelling: 'hello'
Special move "hello"
All Might talk "hello"

(A/N here's chapter two have fun.)

Jake POV

Well after my training of 150 push-ups 150 sit-ups 150 squats and a 14 mile run everyday I think I'm ready for the practical exam I studied in between all my exercises. I had to make sure I get in I WILL be a hero and shut up those parents of mine.

-small Flashback-

Dad: "Here is your mission do it or face the consequences."

-end flashback-

Those two why did I have to think of them now whatever I need to focus on tomorrow I've done enough physical and mental training. It's time for some good old quirk training maybe Dogabah beach be a good place I heard it was a trash heap maybe I could do something.

-Small time skip-

Well this is something I didn't expect it greenie and look at this he's been training the place still has trash but I'm guessing not nearly has much as it did. I wonder why he is even doing that even with good physical fitness he can't fight without a quirk maybe in his rush he forgot about it yeah that's it it has to be. Honestly what other reason would he ha-


Is is that

All Might

He is

Getting trained by All Might




I wish I could have done that the experience he has would have been so helpful he is so lucky he probably got shown special moves too. Well that was a bust I'll have to find a different place maybe I could just go home and practice making my weapons better I I'll go do that. I look up one last time before leaving but instead of All Might some guy how looked a bit like a zombie was their thinking he might attack the kid I moved a bit closer hiding myself when I herd their conversation.
Zombie: "You've been doing good young Midoriya your training is almost complete your almost at the point to be my successor."
Successor what is this guy on about? A successor?!?!
Midoriya: "Thank you for this All Might I've only wanted to be hero it been my only dream since I was little."
WHAT theirs no way that is All Might he's known for his huge muscle and powerful presence this guy can't be him. But it seems like he heard something then zombie really had transformed into All Might I couldn't believe my eyes then my ears.
All Might: "whoever is there come on out I know your their."
Whoops looks like I got my self caught well I guess it's time to face them
Well I hope he buys that it's true I'm a nerd for cool moves and such but I need to get out of here before they think I heard their conversation.
All Might: "Why thank you young man but I must ask you a question. How long were you there and don't say you just got here I know you didn't."
Well crap why did that have to happen well I'll tell them why I'm here maybe they will let me off the hook though that is in likely
After Jake explained why he was here with All Might and the newly named Izuku.
Jake: "So that's it but I should really get home I do have to get ready for U.A tomorrow."
Izuku: "Really your going too I guess we will see each other there."
Jake: "Yeah I guess we will Izuku you take care and don't over work your self."

-small time skip-

Well that worked better then I expected well at least they aren't on to me well I got home and trained on what said I was going to do then I made and ate dinner studied a bit more then fell asleep ready for what is to come when I wake up it was hard to fall asleep I was excited to fight in the U.A entrance exam.
Time skip

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