Slumper party part 3

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Normal speech: "hello"
Yelling: 'hello'
Special move "hello"
All Might talk "hello"

Third POV

Everyone was siting around talking but also starting to get board Uraraka asks the question in everyone's mind.
Uraraka: "Hey what do we do now?"

Before anyone could think, Jake decides to say
Jake: "Why not play a game?"'Hopefully nothing weird, like 7 minutes in heaven.'

Brandon, seeing Jake's expression, say's,
Brandon: "While me and Jake are up in my room, why don't you guys play 7 minutes in heaven, or hell, your choice."
Then Brandon pulls out his dark hole card and starts to teleport the two away, when suddenly Jiro jumps off the couch where she was sitting and grabs Brandon's shoulder,saying,
Jiro: "Your not getting out of it that easily!"
Everyone started hearing yelling and the sound of someone vomiting in Brandon's room, thinking what is going on up there and what in the world just happened?

*In Brandon's room*

As the 3 of them rematerialize inside brandon's room, Jiro's face is tinted green and she points to the trash can urgently! Jake, being the gentleman he is, goes and gets it for her while Brandon is explaining she will be fine. Jiro, after using the trash can to vomit, goes off on a tirade, saying,
Jiro: "You cannot just suggest something like that and just teleport out of there JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN! YOU THINK BECAUSE YOU GOT FANCY POWERS THAT YOU CAN EXCLUDE YOURSELF, BUT YOU ARE WRONG YOU IDIOT! I AM GONNA-" Brandon quickly interjects, Brandon: "Your gonna what, drag me back out there? And no, just because I have fancy powers doesn't mean I get to exclude myself. I understand and I am sorry for making you angry as well as for making you vomit from teleporting, next time I teleport you I will give you a heads up, ok?" Jiro, taken aback by this sudden kindness and sincerity, blushes, quietly saying, Jiro: "Just don't do it again, ok Brandon?"
Brandon, being the kind of person he is, says while smiling,
Brandon: "Aww, how cute, your blushing! Also, don't worry I won't be doing it again Jiro!" Jiro, trying to pretend she wasn't blushing, gets angry at Brandon, yelling,
Jiro: "WHY YOU LITTLE PUNK, WHY DID I THINK FOR ONE MINUTE THAT YOU WERE BEING SERIOUS!" Brandon interrupts Jiro again, saying, Brandon : "Hey Jiro, we're about to teleport again, My way, not how Jake would like us to." As Jiro looks around and sees Jake missing Jiro proceeds to say mild profanities as they start to dematerialise from Brandon's room.

*Back in the Living Room*

Suddenly, with a slightly green Jiro holding a trash can, the two materialize to the living room, in the middle of an arguing Class 1-A! Then a purple portal opens up and out comes Jake with tattered clothes and scratches all over him. Brandon, turns to Jake and Jiro, tells Jake,
Brando: "Hey what happened to you no later Jake cover Jiro's ears for a sec will you?" Jake agrees to do, and does it just in time as Brandon yells at the top of his lungs,
Brandon: "WHAT IS THE DEAL, WHY THE F**K ARE YOU ALL ARGUING?!?!" Everyone, shocked to hear that kind of language coming from the new guy, immediately silence themselves. Iida walks over to Brandon, saying
Ilda: "I am sorry for our ill behavior, we were are arguing about how we will decide what people will be chosen in each group." Brandon, being the only smart one in the group, says,
Brandon: "Why don't we just have a roulette, then whoever it stops spinning on is the selected people. I have just the card for this situation! Come on out, Roulette Spider!" Uraraka, frightened, picks up the spider and throws it across the room. Brandon: yelling a little "Stop hurting my friends Uraraka!" One apology later, everyone but Merzon agrees that Roulette Spider was the best solution to the problem.
Merzon: "Wouldn't Roulette Spider just pick whoever Brandon wants him to?" Brandon is about to argue, but Jake beats him to it, saying,
Jake: "No, any beings Brandon creates have their own mind and consciences." Brandon: "What Jake said." Before they could proceed to pick the groups, Jiro starts to vomit in her trash can again. Looking concerned,
Jake: "You know, Jiro wouldn't be like this if we teleported the way I said we should." Brandon quickly counters, Brandon: "What, it builds character! And look at you where did you even go?"
Jake: "Later and says the guy with none." Everyone else in Class 1-A yells"OOOH ROASTED!", Bakugo proceeds to say,
Bakugo: "Hey Brandon, need some ice for that burn, Todoroki, get your a** over here!" Jake, wishing to protect his friend
Jake: "Ice makes a burn worse you use water you dingus."
Asui: "Bakugo you should really have learned by now it won't end well if you insult either of them. -Ribbit-"
Group one- Momo, Todoroki, Bakugo, Deku, Uraraka, Mina joining after the first two leave Kaminari and Mineta
Roulette spider then spins and first lands on Uraraka.
Uraraka: "This was cause I throw you isn't it."
Roulette spider giggles then spins again to land on your boy Deku.
Deku/Uraraka: "WHAT?!?!?"
Everyone then proceeds to push them into the closet, lock the door, and put a timer on for seven minutes.
Mina: "So what do you think is going to happen in there."
Bakugo: "He is too much of a nerd to try anything."
Jake: "But Uraraka isn't."
Everyone agrees with both statements and before they knew it the timer went off. Mina rushes to the closet unlocks it and swings it open to reveal Uraraka kissing Deku while he was trying to back up.
Jake: "Ha I was right in your face Bakugo." Then yells "GOOD GOING DEKU."
That is when Uraraka and Deku noticed the door was opened and quietly left the closet.
Bakugo: "We have two empty spots who's going in now."
Minta and Kaminari thinking they have a chance walk into the empty spots.
Brandon: Slyly says "This could be interesting."
Jake: 'That jerk is going to make Roulette Spider put those two together that will be priceless.'
Roulette spider begins to spin again and lands on Momo.
Jake: 'Oh could I be wrong maybe he's waiting for the next round or he is messing with Momo let's see what the Spider says.'
Roulette spider starts up again and lands on who no one expected could even work as a couple Todoroki.
Todoroki: "Lets get this over with."
Momo: "Geez don't sound to excited." While blushing
Todoroki: "Of course I am I just don't know how to show it."
After they get in the closet Brandon whispers to Jake
Brandon: "Hey Jake mind soundproofing this one."
Jake: "First of all how did you know I could do that now and sure."
Brandon: "I got my ways."
After the closet is soundproof
Brandon: "I'm happy those two are in they're."
Mina: "Why?"
Brandon: "Second I got into class I noticed Momo had a crush on him."
Jake: "Which is unknown if it's a power he has or just cause he knows her."
Everyone shudders at the thought of Brandon knowing their crushes, then the seven minute timer goes off as well as the soundproofing Brandon opens the door to see them calmly walk out.
Brandon: "What Just happened?"
Momo about to speak but Todoroki cuts in
Todoroki: "We are a couple now."
Ian: "Well it looks like Brandon was right."
Everyone one besides Momo Todoroki and Jake just glares at Merzon for his stupidity
Momo: yelling "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU KNOW."
Brandon: "Well time for plan B."
Teleports away but Jake teleports after him.
Jake: "Sorry but she promised not to hurt me if you got you."
Brandon: "No why have you betrayed me."
Jake then teleports then both back, one lecture to Brandon later.
Roulette spider being the boss he is lands on Kaminari and Mineta.
Mineta/Kaminari: "We don't want to play seven minutes in heaven anymore.
Brandon: smugly says "Good thing this isn't 7 minutes in haven it's 7 minutes in hell." Has he locks them in the closet.
Brandon: while bowing"Ladies your welcome."
Momo: "Why what's wrong with those two."
Brandon: "Oh right I forgot you can be oblivious to these types of things."
Momo: "What do you mea-"
Brandon: "They are pervs."
Momo decides talking with Todoroki is a much better idea than arguing with Brandon, as the seven minutes pass and the door is unlocked Kaminari and Mineta run out of the closet and leave with out saying anything.
Jake: "Well I was wondering who would be the first to leave."
Roulette spider being the savage he is lands on Mina and Bakugo the latter of the two tries to leave by going to the bathroom but is teleported into the closet everyone hears screeching, seven minutes pass and with the Deku opening the door to Bakugo trying to keep Mina away from kissing him but with the door opening falls and Mina lands on him kissing him.
While everyone laughs at him after many unimportant groups later is is down to Jake Asui Brandon Merzon and someone undecided.
Brandon: "So who else hasn't been in the circle?"
All the girls push in Jiro
Brandon: 'Oh geez please don't make me have to explain this to her.'
Roulette spider then goes off again landing first on Jake.
Jake: "About time but please don't be a guy."
Roulette spider winks at Jake then spins Jake realizes that Brandon knows and properly told Roulette Spider, Roulette spider begins to slow down everyone's heart racing Roulette Spider comes to a stop on..................................
Asui Jake thinks: 'well maybe Brandon will get Jiro cause that would he funny.'
Brandon then basically throws the two in and locks the door but sets the timer for ten minutes after making his own soundproof barrier
Mina: "Why did you set the timer for ten minutes?"
Deku: "Why do I feel like you have some kind of plan here."
Brandon: "With me their is always a plan besides and don't tell him this Merzon I talked with him earlier and he said he had a crush on her."
Merzon: "As long as you don't tell about later sure."
Brandon: "Good And now we wait."
-Meanwhile in the closet-
Asui: "So it's me and you huh. -Ribbit-"
Jake: "So it appears."'Don't mess this up Jake.'
They stand there in awkward silence for about eight and a half minutes but Jake ruins it
Jake: "Dang it Brandon probably set this up longer then the others ones dang it I knew I shouldn't have told him anything."
Asui: "What do you mean by that?"-Ribbit-
Jake starts freaking out and trying to come up with a reason but Asui puts her finger to his libs to silence him.
Asui: "So you are saying you have a crush on me well the feelings mutual."
Has she kissed him, but this is ruined by the door being opened.
Merzon: "So your time is up."
He then realizes why Brandon had everyone retreat behind a barrier and why he was sent to get them out as a flame, lighting, and wind infused fist sends him flying into said barrier.
Brandon: yelling "GET A ROOM LOVE BIRDS."
Then looks to the right of him as a grotesque hand starts to pull him into a portal.
Brandon seeing the portal promptly starts yelling.
The hand disappears with the portal and Jake and Tsu walk out and sit in the couch together.
Roulette Spider spins one last time using the ultimate technique lands on Brandon and Jiro.

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