Messages #8

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Tati's phone:

KayHanAti 💙💜💝

Guys we need to talk

Tahani: Wow and I get blank messages too
Are you seeing this Kaycee?

Kaycee: lol

I'm serious
I don't want 10+ years of friendship to end like this girls
I don't know what I did but I'm sorry

Kaycee: you really don't know?

You two have just been avoiding me lately

Kaycee: Tati you failed to pay 4 months of rent
Like not even a penny

Tahani: And on top of other things
you haven't even tried to make it up over these four months

Kaycee: first month we both thought it was fine it was the first time it happens so we covered for you without thinking

Tahani: second month we figured you were struggling but you never mentioned it with us and you used to talk to us about everything good and bad so we figured nothing was wrong and just forgot

Kaycee: the third month was embarrassing...
I had to ask Sean for money which is why he was gone for those three weeks as he had to travel the world teaching to make some extra money so he could pay his own bills

Tahani: and this last month I had to humiliating ask Josh for money

Which is why you're open to him moving in as you feel you owe him

Tahani: but what hurts most is that we knew you were also partying all the time with Mia and Jadyn

Kaycee: and you've been distancing yourself from us so we figured you didn't want to be with us anymore so we distanced ourselves from you

I'm so sorry
I love you two more than you can imagine

Tahani: then why?

Truth is
I'm going through a crisis
I quit acting

Kaycee: What? Why?!

It wasn't working out
I haven't gotten past any first stage at auditions in like year and it left me in a dark place
So I've been trying to teach like you, Sean, Julian, and everyone
But my classes are small and not growing

Tahani: So those pop-up classes weren't just fun side opportunities they were seriously your only source of income

Yeah I haven't got a studio that would take me permanently or even occasionally yet since I get at most 10 students in my class
And any income I've had is only used for food and gas/Uber
Any clothes are from sponsorships and you know they don't pay a lot since they're already sending me clothes

Kaycee: we would have understood Tati
Does Kenny know?

Yeah he figured it out when I spent to much time with him since I wasn't working nearly as much so he was kinda supporting me when classes were minimum
I spent time more with Mia and Jadyn to not stress Kenny out as much

The partying was only to help keep my mind off things I never buy anything when I'm out with Mia and Jadyn
We only go on ladies free night

Tahani: we could have helped you

It's embarrassing
All my friends are successful and it just felt wrong for me not to be

Kaycee: that's what family is for
As in me and Tahani
I know you don't want your mom and dad to worry

Tahani: yeah I could have helped you get acting jobs

Kaycee: and Tati, Sean is my boyfriend he can teach anywhere I'm sure he can get someplace to get you a time slot
Shoot Julian basically is Playground LA he could help
And Bailey Char, Josh, Gabe, Will anyone would help you

But it wouldn't feel right

Tahani: why because it wouldn't be by yourself?
We've literally been paying for you

Kaycee: and who knows if I would be teaching if not for my partnership with Sean all those years ago

Tahani: Bailey's teaching because of Melvin,
Gabe and Will started from the bottom thanks to Matt,
Char has been assisting Brian since forever so people were basically waiting for her to teach
Josh, Julian, and I are teaching because of others putting trust in us
Allow us to help you, sis,

Is all forgiven?

Kaycee: I mean when the money gets right you will have to pay us back
But yes all is forgiven
give me a hug since Tahani is in San Diego

Hug me, sister!

Tahani: Virtual hug!

Lol love you two so much!

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