I can't do this anymore. (Super Heto AU)

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(Check out my Tumblr.  Poems-Art-Darkness-N-More)


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"I can't do this anymore." Patton stared in shock at the hero in front of him. Normally, him Logan, and Roman would meet up in town to fight the hero Anxiety. Yet, here he was. In front of Patton's home. Weak and trembling in the cold. He was extremely happy he was still wearing his villain outfit. He heard two sharp breaths from behind him but ignored it.
"I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to keep fighting. Just... just k-kill me. Or lock me up. Or whatever you've been planning this whole time, I don't care. But I can't do this. I can't live like this anymore. I can't- I can't keep fighting you-" Anxiety looked like he would start crying. Patton felt his heart melt at the sight. Anxiety was pale and shaking and exhausted. His empathy powers were telling him that this was true. That Anxiety was really feeling like this.
"It's ok,  Anxiety. Who did this to you?" Indeed, while Anxiety was in awful condition, he was also bleeding. And it wasn't from the fight they had had only twenty minutes ago.  Anxiety flinched at his voice and that's all it took for Patton to give in to his parental instincts and pull Anxiety into a hug. He noticed Anxiety's eyes go wide and how He tensed up before pushing it aside for later.
"Come in and have a cup of tea, I promise you'll be safe here. I won't let them hurt you anymore." Patton guided Anxiety to the couch before heading to the kitchen to make that tea. He ignored the bewildered looks he got from Logan and Roman before they both walked over.
"Pa- Morality. What are you doing?!?" Roman asked.
"He's not faking his emotions. I checked. He really has given up on everything. We can't leave him." He argued.
"Patt-" Logan started.
"I'm not wrong, Logic." He said. Logan sighed before turning to where Anxiety was. He was now curled up in a ball on the floor, having moved from the couch, and had taken off his mask which was now sitting on the coffee table. Logan sighed again.
"I guess I can dig through his mind. Find any motives." He muttered. His eyes glowed slightly as he stared at Anxiety before returning to normal a minute later. He looked actually surprised.
"Morality. Feel free to trust him as much as you want. Go talk to him. I'll finish the tea, " Logan said before taking over for Patton. Patton started to walk away when Logan spoke again.
"And make sure his leg is ok, " He added. Patton nodded before walking over to Anxiety.
"Hey, Anx." Anxiety looked up at him, not wearing his mask. He had dark brown hair dyed purple near the front and brown eyes. But what alarmed Patton was the bruise over his eye and the cut on his forehead. Not things he had gotten from his battle with the villains.
"Call me Virgil." He muttered. Patton must have looked alarmed since Virgil looked down and muttered sorry.
"It's fine Anx- Virgil. Really. I was just surprised. So... Virgil. What made you... Give up?" Patton asked. Roman was standing off to the side, listening.
"A lot of things. The fact that I spend my time stopping you guys but I can't even stand up to my d-dad. You three treat me nicer than everyone in my life. I just-" Virgil hid his face in his knees as Patton hugged him. Patton noticed the alarmed look on Roman's face. Logan stepped from behind the kitchen wall into view. They made a silent agreement to meet up with Virgil's dad.

~Should I Make A Part Two?~

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