Ch.5 Escape

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-Your pov

It's been six days since I was attacked by that twitchy boy with the goggles. I don't plan on going back in for a while. I'm not sure the twenty dollars was worth it. Ya it helped me get a new driver's license and food, but I almost died. I don't understand why he let go and ran when I grabbed his wrist. I'm strong but not that strong. Maybe he has a problem with germs. I was so lost in thought that the jump scares on T.V didn't even snap me out of it. Not even flinch. The horror movie was really cliche though. It was so boring. I grabbed my book and read a couple pages. F/B wasn't doing it for me. I need something else to do. Something other than boring or relaxing. Something fun.

"No.     No.           Ummm      no." I said as I looked at the video games. Black OPs is fun but I feel like something else. I was starting to run out of options when I saw one in an envelope. Must have got here the day the Fishers left. The case was old, dirty, and falling apart. It was hard to read the title. The only part I could make out was "Legend". I put it in the XBOX as I shrugged my shoulders. It was Legend of Zelda. I looked at the files. All of them were empty. I was a little surprised with how old it looked, it should have at least one file with a name on it. 

"Alright then." I said as I picked the top one. The screen turned a blinding green forcing me to shield my eyes for a moment. The sound of glass breaking made me look at the T.V. There was a boy crawling out of the T.V towards me like some kind of zombie. He looked like a messed up version of Link. My mind was flustered and my body was frozen. I wanted to scream, cry, something. But I stayed where I was, staring at the boy blanky. He grabbed my ankle and looked at me waiting for some kind of fearful reaction. Nothing. His face tensed up in frustration and he dug his nails into my skin. Survival instincts kicked in and I kicked his face back hard enough to let me go. I got up and ran. I could only imagine myself looking badass and full of determination and emotions while trying to escape. In reality I looked awkward and had my usual blank look. I reached the door and looked back at him standing up and holding his nose before I ran out of the room. I slammed the door shut and ran towards the steps before someone with a mask grabbed my hair and pulled me back. As much as it wasn't visible, I was scared. I fought the masked boy with mental desperation. I had a grip on the boy's wrists when I saw the door open revealing the Link character. Without a second thought, I pushed the boy as hard as I could into "Link" before running down the steps. I could hear them yelling in pain and frustration behind me as I reached the main floor. The door outside was in sight. I am so close.

"Get the fuck off me! She's getting away. Hold the door!" One of the boys shouted from the top of the steps. I grabbed the doorknob and turned it. I pushed the door open but then a force from outside slammed it shut. I pushed against the door with all I had opening it slightly. The force from outside slammed it shut again as I heard footsteps running down the steps from behind. I let go of the knob to look out the window. It was a boy wearing a hood. He looked at me and broke the glass between us. My only other option was to escape through the back door. I ran as fast as my exhausted self could run. My hand gripped the knob tightly as I looked back to see the three boys running towards me. It was now or never. I opened the door and ran two steps before running into someone. It was him. The boy that almost killed me. I was frozen in place and locked on his eyes for a moment wondering what to do. I quickly snapped out of it and turned around to run back inside before he had me in a headlock. My mind was racing. I wished that I could scream. I thrashed, stomped, and hit him trying to get out. I tried harder as the other three boys reached me. I was getting weak and tired, but I didn't stop. "Link" tried to grab me before I punched him back into the hooded figure.

"Enough of this shit already." The boy with the mask said full of irritation and exhaustion as he walked towards me before hammering my head. I felt a sharp pain before my hearing and sight went dark. I was praying to god that it was just a nightmare and that I was going to wake up soon.

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