Ch.17 Hardest of Goodbyes

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- Your pov

It's been two days since that horrible nightmare. Slenderman wakes up tomorrow. It wasn't even six yet when I packed everything in my room and set it by my door. The room was empty like the first night I slept in it. Today is the day that I leave everyone behind. I wanted to spend some time with them before I leave at dusk. Masky was the only one barely awake at the moment so I went to the kitchen and started mixing ingredients. I made waffles while the cake was baking. When I was done pulled the cake out Masky immediately walked in with bright eyes.

"Is that what I think it is?" He said with a wide grin. I smiled and set the cheesecake and waffles on the table. He cut a large slice and set it on a plate before we sat at the table. We spent the first hour of the day simply talking and laughing at past memories. We were joined by the others that smelled the waffles and cheesecake. They each took a piece and sat down to chat. My goal was to spend as much time as I could with each one of them. I played video games with Silver and Ben. I threw knives with Jeff, Jack, Hoodie, and Masky. I played tea party with Sally. Pianist taught me how to play the piano. Dr. Smiley showed me his collection of specimens and I managed to not throw up from the smell. We all had lunch together that turned into a food fight when Jack tried to have me taste a kidney. We cleaned everything up and everyone decided to take a nap on the couches. Except Toby and I. I wished that the day could last forever. But time wanted to keep going. I grabbed Toby's hand and lead him outside.

"A-are you okay y-y/n?" He asked me as we wandered through the woods. I smiled a little.

"I haven't spent time with you yet today. I want to be with just you right now." I replied as I rested my head against his shoulder. We walked to the tree that we sat on the night he brought me to the mansion. He climbed up it first before helping me up. We just sat there for a while. It was quiet, but not awkward. It was simply    peaceful.

"I wish that this day would keep going for all eternity so that I don't have to say goodbye. I'm not ready for it.    I never will be." I said as I looked at him. He smiled alittle.

"I'm n-not ready ei-ther." He replied as he held my hand. I looked down at my feet dangling from the branch.

"I wish that I could stuff all of you in my bag and take you with me to wherever my new home would be. But Dr. Smiley has a home. The pianist has a home. Sally has a home. Silver has his own place. This mansion is where you live. You, Hoodie, Masky, Ben, Jack and Jeff. The mansion is your home." I replied before there was silence between us. We got off the tree and started walking back to the mansion. I found it a little funny how I wanted to leave this place so bad at first, and now I can but don't want to. The sun was starting to set when the two of us walked back inside.

"I'm sorry Toby. The time I spent with you was-" I said before Toby interrupted.

"Was p-perfect. Sim-ply being w-ith y-you was all I-I ever want-ed." He replied before hugging me. I wanted time to stop. I wanted him to hold on to me and never let go. I hugged him back and realized that there was one more person that I needed to see.

"Toby, can you wait in my room for a moment? I   I just need time for myself." I said before he let go. He nodded his head before going up to my room. I waited until I was sure that I was alone. I walked straight to the door and carefully opened it revealing the dark room. I walked in and silently closed the door. I turned and faced his sleeping figure before approaching him. He really looked dead. Almost as if he was in his casket at a funeral. I took a deep breath before speaking. 

"I know you can hear me Slenderman. They told me that you can't see during your slumber, but you can hear.      I will be leaving soon. Away from the city and away from here. I don't know where I'll go but I'm glad that I stayed here. I'm glad that you let me stay as long as you did. If it wasn't for this place and everyone in it, I would still be empty and blank. I thank everyone here for helping me. Including you. As much of a jerk you were, you still unknowingly helped me. I hope that you turn back to your normal self when I'm gone. I won't tell anyone about the events I had here. Your reputation is safe. Take care of my friends. Take care of Toby." I whispered before walking away and opening the door. I paused for a moment and looked back at him. 

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