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[ third pov ]

it was already past midnight and the two boys were at haechan's house. they got here earlier in the evening but ended up staying much longer than mark had originally planned.

"who's jerry again?" mark asked for the 20th time that night. haechan rolled his eyes as he shoved more popcorn into his mouth. "that's fucking jerry, now shut up."

"also this necklace is fucking making my neck sore." haechan complained as the older just rolled his eyes in annoyance. it was a requirement set by taeyong, where as haechan cannot leave the house without it.

they were seated on the couch, watching the soap opera that haechan terribly wanted to finish; and so here they were watching every episode until the finale.

"it's time to leave-"


mark groaned as he pulled blanket over his shoulders. he slumped down on the couch and rolled his eyes. he was so close to dragging this stubborn brat out of the house. he turned over to face the younger, opening his mouth to nag him again but paused before he did.

haechan was smiling and laughing. he was being genuinely happy which mark had never seen. his nose scrunched everytime he let out a laugh which was kind of cute. not to mention the sound of his laugh. it was so memorizing.

"that's cute." his thoughts accidentally slipped out of his mouth as he panicked immediately afterwards.

haechan stopped laughing slowly as he turned away from the screen. his mouth was slightly opened and the popcorn that was in his hand rolled off the corner of his lips.


mark avoided the others gaze he cleared his thought. "j-jerry gave janette flowers." was the only cover up he could come up with at the moment and haechan bought it.

he nodded his head slowly, turning it back to face to the tv. the two sat in silence once again, watching the final hours of torture (for mark).

as time slowly passed by, mark hadn't noticed the new weight on his shoulder. he looked down to see haechan dozing off; his heavy eyes began closing as he fell asleep on mark's shoulder.

"idiot, i thought you wanted to finish watching this." the older mumbled as he reached for the remote. but the moment he moved away, haechan slowly fell over.

by the time mark touched the remote with his fingertips, haechan was fully laying his against his thighs. sighing, he decided to give up and just continue to watch the rest of the opera until haechan woke up.

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