//: OMG 12k I LOVE YALL 💞
[ third pov ]
mark knocked down the last guard in his way and made his way out of the warehouse. he escaped out of the window and managed to find a way to slip through a lightly guarded gate. he crouched down and quickly rushed through the long weeds before he was seen.
"fucking idiots." he muttered underneath his breath. if he were to be honest, he was genuinely disappointed of hansol, who was someone he had always considered to be smart and clever. but now that he had encountered
he ran out to the stray road and continued to walk until it led him somewhere. mark realized he had actually been walking for a couple of hours. it was already night when he reached the city. he found a telephone booth and immediately dialled johnny's number.
"johnny, it's mark."
"thank god you're alive. where are you?" a rush of relief in his voice.
mark looked around his surroundings and quickly told johnny his location. the older drove down to get him and return back to the house.
they drove down a stranded road that led back to the base in silence until johnny broke it. "what did they do to you?" mark snickered at the thought of how easy it was to escape from them but quickly turned serious again.
"hansol wants haechan, but the moment he saw me he was all pissed and left the room. don't get me wrong but from how he fucking caressed my face thinking it was haechan, i don't think he wants to do just "business" things to him." he gulped at the disgusting thought.
johnny shook his head in disapproval. "hansol only want haechan because those bastards found out he was dongsuk's son. the moment they get him, they're going to force haechan to sign over dongsuk's affairs."
"wait? i thought taeyong was the next person to have control over those affairs." mark turned over with a confused expression as johnny bit his lip. he knew he had to tell the younger sooner or later.
"mark, there's something you need to know-"
"oh my god. you son of a bitch, you're alive!" lucas screamed in delight as soon as johnny and mark entered through the door. he nearly pushed jungwoo off his lap as he ran to embrace his friend in a tight hug.
"lucas, get off me." mark mumbled as he tried to push away the taller boy who wouldn't let go. lucas slapped mark's back one last time before stepping back with a stupid smile on his face. "no homo."
mark lightly chuckled as his eyes scanned the room for the one person he wanted to see. standing in the corner of the room was haechan, who had his eyes on mark the whole time.
"hey mark." he breathed out with a bright smile on his face. the older felt his stomach do flips and his heart rate beat faster. he raised his hand and waved lightly.
"hi haechan." he smiled stupidly, unable to control his excitement at how adorable he looked. everyone else became silent as their eyes darted back and forth between the two boys.
chenle leaned back and whispered into jisung's ear. "i feel very uncomfortable."

candy | markhyuck
Fanfica story in which haechan gets kidnapped by mark on halloween.