//: thank you for 14k 💛
[ third pov ]
the rain lightly fell from the sky as little drops tapped against the window. haechan sat on the edge of the bed in the room that was his. everyone else must've been asleep already, but he couldn't sleep at all. instead, he let thoughts he had run through his head.
"haechan? you're still awake?"
he turned around to see mark leaning against the doorframe with a bottle of water in his hands. he nodded, gesturing the older to come in. "why are you up?" haechan asked as mark sat down beside him. he shrugged before turning to face the younger.
"couldn't sleep i guess." they let their conversation die out as they continued to sit in silence.
haechan paused, then sighed before crawling into the covers as mark just watched. he tucked himself in, leaving only a bit of his face showing. his hand reached out and patted the empty spot beside him. mark hesitantly crawled into the covers beside haechan and made himself comfortable.
"tell me some stories of you with my dad." haechan whispered, turning to his side to face the older. mark did the same and now they were facing each other with only a few inches between them.
mark stared into haechan's eyes as he whispered the first story he could remember. "it was my 10th birthday; it was also the first year i spent at our old place. dongsuk was there along with taeyong and jeno. we were all sitting at the dining table when taeyong surprised me with a cake." he didn't notice the little sting in his heart when he mentioned that name.
"it was the first time i've ever celebrated my birthday with an actual family and i really treasured that moment in my heart. i just wished your dad could've seen you being with us one day." mark managed to crack a smile. haechan stared at mark with teary eyes and pursed lips before he turned away.
the sheer curtains covered the window, but mark could still see their reflection. haechan was crying; it wasn't the same as the first time, this was a cry filled with empathy.
"h-hey, why are you crying?" he tugged onto the younger's sleeve, making him face his direction. haechan's nose was red from all the sniffling.
"this is your fault for telling me such a sad story." haechan pouted, using the edge of of his sweater to wipe away the residue of his tears. mark let out a light chuckle as he reached out to lightly tap the top of haechan's head.
"i'm sorry." mark pulled haechan's hand away lightly, slowly revealing the younger's red nose and glossy eyes. mark stared for moment, unable to control his emotions. he knew that when his stomach did random flips when haechan laughed and when his heart sped up when they made eye contact, it meant something. lucas was right, mark really did like haechan.
the space between them grew smaller as mark paused before going further. "can i kiss you?." he whispered, feeling his heart beat out of his chest. haechan gulped as he slowly nodded and his eyes slowly closing. mark smiled slightly before leaning in to close the space between them.
their lips met and at that moment they both knew how much they had grown to like each other. even though it was just an innocent kiss, their feelings lingered on their lips. mark lightly placed his hand on haechan's cheek before he pulled away. both had flushed cheeks and were to embarrassed to face each other.
haechan buried his face into mark's chest as the older silently squealed inside his head.
//: i suck at writing kiss scenes sorry lol.

candy | markhyuck
Fanfictiona story in which haechan gets kidnapped by mark on halloween.