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I shake Mickayla's arm. "Wake up." Her eyes slow start to open. "You have been asleep for three hours and we had a layover one hour ago but you slept though it." She rubs her eyes.
"Really." She yawns.
"Yea, we couldn't wake you up, so I had to get security to take you to the next plan." I help her sit up. "Food." She squeals.
"Typical MK." I laugh. We eat slow. I had a seafood pastor and Mickayla had salad and Chips. Harry who was going to have stake was sitting with Missy at the bar. Luckily he was old enough, unlike me, to drink, I have to wait until I week after we get back. I finish me food and then stand up, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom then going to grab a drink, do you want any think?" I ask the still very sleepy Mickayla. "No thank you, I'm gonna go back to sleep." So says laying back her chair. "Ok, well were have ten hours left of this trip." I say walking away. "Hey Tia." Harry calls me over.
"Hey, yea." I say.
"I finally did it." He says holding up his hand, with Missy's hand gripping on to it.

"Aww, such a cute couple. Good job but I've got to go." I say walking to the bathroom. After I'm done I walk but to Mickayla asleep, again. I'm tired as well. I force my self not to cry at other people's places so I don't cry this time.

I awake to people screaming, "Were here, were here." My eyes adjust to the blight lights and find there way to the flight screen in front of me. We still have 20 minutes till landing but we can see all the tall towers thought the clouds. In five minutes we have to put our set bleats on so I get up to find MK. Of course she's with her boyfriend, Riley. "MK, we got to go." She stops kissing him and looks at me. "We have to put our set belts on, in five." I say. Mickayla hops of Riley's lap and gives him one last kiss before walking back with me. When we get back to our seats Harrys all buckled up and there is a lady walking around tell us to sit down and put our seat bleats on. "Hey time to buckle up." Harry tells us.
"I'm so excited." Mickayla sequels as we put our seat belts on.
"Yea, I cant believe this is real." I say taking a lolly from Mickayla hand.
"Yea, its going to be so fun." Mickayla grabs my arms and we both sequel. "Oh Harry good job on asking Missy out." She says.
"Yea, we aren't even in Paris and you two are all ready love birds." I say doing fake French kisses.
"Thanks." He says sarcastically.
"Alright kids we are coming in so please have you seat bleats on and we will be there in 10 minutes." The captain says. We all wait 5 minutes and the captain starts to speak again. "This is going to be the crazy part so hold on." I hold on to the arm rest with one hand and my other hand is holding onto Mickayla's. The plains nose starts to dip down and we all get pushed back. My ears pop and I close my eyes. The plane is heading into the airport, I feel it as we hit the ground. We are going along the runway and I let go of the arm rest and MK's hand. We here!! I gather my stuff and hop of the plain. My feet touch Paris's land and feel the warm. I walk into the airport and get my suitcases. "See you, tomorrow for brunch, Harry." I say hugging him. Mickayla and I are sharing a house of three nights then going somewhere else together. We are going to move around Paris/France, there is a line where we have to stop but its gonna be fun. We walk to the cab that we order before our trip. "Were finally here." I say to MK as we get into the car. "Yes, we are." She sequels.

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