She went to the grocery store on the way home. She needed more wine, lots more wine, but she found herself stuck in the bakery section, unable to decide which bread to buy. Her head was a mess at the moment."That baguette looks nice," a deep voice said behind her, "Very long and firm."
She spun round to find Sam Anderson standing a little too close to her. He had had his hair cut she noticed. It was very short, and it made his his eyelashes look longer. Oh God.
"Mr Anderson," she said politely.
"Ms Gilbert," he said with a leer. Why was everyone suddenly behaving like 8th graders today?
"I'm in a bit of a hurry," she said and grabbing hold of her cart, pushed past him. But to her dismay he followed her.
"I like your hair like that," he said, "Very Grace Kelly."
Keep professional, she said to herself like a mantra. Keep professional.
"But I liked it down too," he added, his voice going deeper.
She spun round to face him. "Mr Anderson," she said in her best teacher voice. "I am trying to get my shopping done," and then she added in an almost whisper, "and I am your brother's home room teacher so I would appreciate it if you don't mention how we have met before, or," she added, "ever discuss it with me."
"Your secret is safe with me," he said holding his hand to his heart and then he leaned towards her and whispered so close to her ear she could feel his breath, "Am I allowed to think about it?" She drew away from him and walked very quickly down the aisle.
Sam watched her shapely bottom swaying and high heels clicking on the tiled floor and smiled to himself. She wasn't going to get rid of him that easily.
When Grace got home, all she wanted to do was sink into a hot bath, watch some mindless TV and try and hold out until a reasonable hour to open a bottle of wine. But before she could even unpack her groceries her cell phone rang. She looked at the screen - Brandon. The last thing she wanted to do was talk to him right now, but she had been ignoring his calls for far too long. She might as well answer, the day couldn't get any worse.
"Hey babe," Brandon said in a sad voice.
She took a deep breath, "Hi Brandon, how's New York?"
"Oh, you know - busy."
She looked at the bottle of wine sitting on the counter and thought one glass wouldn't harm her.
"Is the job getting any easier?" she asked tentatively as she searched for a corkscrew.
"It's OK but I'm missing you."
"I'm sure you are," she said, trying to remain calm, "but can I remind you that it was your decision to move to New York."
"Don't start this again," he snapped, "You could have come with me."
"And why would I do that?" she could feel her temper rising, "After I found you with your tongue down Jessica Rabbit's throat?"
"Gracie, we've been over this so many times!"
"Yes, and it's never going to change the fact that you did it."
He went silent. She took the opportunity to wrestle the cork out of the bottle of wine.
"I love you," he finally said.
"Words are cheap!" she spat and hung up so she could tackle the bottle with two hands.

RomanceThis is the first novel I ever wrote. It could do with some editing but hope you enjoy it. The very first time Grace Gilbert sets eyes on Sam Anderson, sparks fly. But Grace is a dedicated High School teacher and Sam is a dedicated slacker. Can he g...