Chapter Eight

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Grace wasn't happy about Sam taking JD out of school to surf, but beyond sending him an official letter stating the school's dissatisfaction, there wasn't much she could do. She wasn't happy about him pinning her against a wall either, but the letter didn't mention that, obviously. Mr Sexy really did think he could do whatever he pleased. Well, he had met his match and she was not going to lie down and roll over like every other female he ever encountered.

To her disgust, Sam even seemed to have powers over Mrs Garcia in the school office.

"Sam Anderson was looking for you this morning," she told Grace, and added, "He was real cheesed off," while fanning herself with her hand. "He sure does look cute when he's mad. If I was twenty years younger¦"

That guy is not cute, thought Grace. He is red hot and dangerous, and to be avoided at all costs.

Lisa didn't seem to agree with her. "What I would do for just one night with that guy," she sighed, dumping a pile of books onto Grace's desk.

"Well from what I've seen that wouldn't be too difficult to arrange. I don't think he's averse to casual sex."

"From what you've seen? Is there something you haven't told me?"

Grace blushed and quickly backtracked, "Purely from observation, and his taste in women."

That had been close, she would have to be more careful in future. In fact, why was she talking about him at all? She needed to change the subject quickly. "How are you getting on with Dave?"

"OK. He's not the most exciting guy in the world, but it turns out he's good in the sack. Who would have figured?"

Grace laughed and thought about Sam Anderson, who was exciting and she suspected more than just good in the sack. She had to get him out of her head.

"Seen Greg around?" she asked Lisa.

"Yes!" Lisa cried, "he keeps asking about you too! You should call him."

"Maybe I will." she said to convince herself more than anything.

Greg was clearly very pleased to hear from her and they got talking about the renovation again. He eagerly offered to come round that night to have a look and she said yes before she even gave herself time to think about it. He was just helping out; it wasn't like it was an actual date.

Even so, when she got home she didn't change into her usual old t shirt and sweats, but put jeans on instead and a new cami. She made sure there was beer in the fridge too. When the door bell rang she fluffed up her hair a bit before answering. Hell, even if it wasn't a date she wanted Greg to think she looked nice.

But it wasn't Greg at the door; it was Sam, and he looked pissed. Before she could even open her mouth he had pushed past her, waving an envelope in her face.

"What the hell makes you think you have the right to interfere in my family business?" he fumed at her from across the narrow hallway.

She closed the door slowly and faced him, "And what makes you think you have the right to barge into my house like this?"

His brown eyes were dark with anger, "Do you know what this could lead to?," he spat, waving the envelope in the air. "They could take JD away from me!"

"I didn't know you cared that much," she said and immediately regretted it, as he stared at her in disbelief, eyes darkening even more.

"Is that your opinion of me?" he said looking horrified, moving a foot closer to her.

"If you're worried about him being taken away then don't encourage him to skip school," she said quietly, backing off slightly.

"It was one time," he said more calmly, "and he had been upset the night before." He was now standing very close to her. "He found one of Mom's old birthday cards."

Grace immediately got a lump in her throat, and automatically reached up to touch his shoulder. Their eyes met for a moment too long and just as Grace could feel herself about to be propelled towards him, he said, "What are you wearing?"

She looked down at herself, "Clothes?"

"That top is very skimpy," he said, his eyes skimming over her chest.

"Hardly!" she said, "And anyway, what business is it of yours?" Then the doorbell rang again. Shit, Greg!

"Well hello there Greg," Sam said a little too sarcastically when she ushered him into the already crowded corridor.

"Sam's just leaving," she said, glaring at him.

"Am I? We haven't finished our conversation."

"Hey, don't mind me," Greg said pleasantly, "I'll just be having a look round."

"Grab yourself a beer from the refrigerator," Grace called after him.

Sam was raising one of his dark eyebrows at her.

"What's with you?" she asked nastily.

"The clothes are for him, aren't they?"

"Are you jealous?"

"No," he said, "I feel sorry for him. Does he know he's messing with a real ball breaker?"

"Maybe I'm only a ball breaker with you?"

"He's a lucky man," he smiled, dimple making a carefully timed appearance.

She couldn't help herself, the lump in her throat reappeared and God help her, something in her nether regions came alive.

"Please go," she pleaded before she did anything really stupid.

He just smiled again and pressed two finger tips against her startled lips, then was gone.

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