Chapter Sixteen | Who?

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---Tim's P.o.V.---

   "Annajen," Aqualad whispered in disbelief.

   Confusion was etched into all of our faces, including Olivia's. Surprisingly, Kaldur paid no mind to them, looking to Olivia with an expectant face.

   "Annajen," he murmured again, dragging his rough hands over Olivia's cheekbone, looking at her in adoration. Infuriated, I yanked Olivia away from his reach.

First he tries to reveal her identity, then he gets all touchy with her? Yeah, not on my watch bud.

    "Who?" Olivia asked cluelessly, tilting her head to the side, completely forgetting about the incident which nearly put us all in danger.

   "Anna. Anna. ANNA! It is really you! My eyes have not deceived me, played me for a fool! You're presence is here in the flesh, back from the dark! Oh, how we've missed you in Atlantis!" Aqualad exclaimed, absolutely gushing and exuding with happiness.

He brought Olivia into a bone crushing hug, one that was sure to hurt anyone normal.

But as we all know, Olivia was anything but normal.

She pried herself out of Aqualad's grip, inhaling deeply to restore lost oxygen.

"Who the hell is Anna?! AND I'M NOT FROM ATLANTIS YOU DELUSIONAL GOLDFISH! " She yelled in frustration, smacking the back of his head.

Then Aqualad did something that sent chills down our spine.

Something unexpected.

Something that made us all freeze in place.

A sound that could make a newborn both smile and cry.

He laughed.

And no. It wasn't just his usual polite chuckle.

He was howling, amused tears spilling out from the corners of his eyes, saline as the ocean which he hailed from. He doubled over, his cackles echoing throughout the cave, giving it an eerie sensation. 

Everyone, including Olivia watched in complete silence as Aqualad clutched his stomach, never ending  breaths raggedly flowing out of his contracting lungs.

As he finally calmed down, he tilted Olivia's chin upwards towards himself, still chuckling at her lost expression behind the mask.

   "Oh, Annajen. Ever the jest as always." he commented. Seeing no recognition behind the lenses, his gleeful smile dropped to one of disappointment.

   "You truly... don't remember me? Annajen, do you have no memories of us?" he questioned, or begged her more like. Olivia furiously shook her head making Kaldur's arms drop to the side and face the ground.

Before any of us audience members could comment on what had just occurred, Aqualad had that off-putting, teeth-baring smile plastered on his face all over again.

   "Not to worry Anna, I know exactly what will bring you back to us. Come with me," he demanded, pulling her away from us by her wrist. She promptly dug her heels into the ground, halting her movement. As he noticed that they were making no progress towards their destination, Aqualad sighed and rolled his eyes at Olivia playfully.

   "Why are you so stubborn Anna? Oh well, I guess we'll have to do this the hard way," he said in a musical fashion. 

Instantly, the water from every glass, bottle, and puddle had formed a giant floating bubble behind Olivia, pushing her forwards.

   "Where the hell are you taking me? Red!" she called out to me. I immediately ran to try and catch up to them, but the bubble had soon formed a wall in the archway of the hallway which led to the bedrooms. 

Which Aqualad had already pushed himself and Olivia behind. 

   Cursing, I banged on the seemingly solid water with the side of my fist, trying to get through to no avail. The last image I saw was a warped Aqualad with his arm around Olivia's shoulder, the latter obviously trying to fruitlessly escape, before they both entered Kaldur's bedroom.

And the door shut closed.

God Olivia, why do you have to make things so hard for me?


I'm back!!!! And I literally forgot everything about this story so I'm currently rereading it haha. Anywho, I'm probably just going to update all of my storied once and see how far I get. Now who's Annajen.....?

~Lz :3

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