14: Reindeer Hunt

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"We need more meat," Isa said, after rummaging through the pack holding their food supplies. "We're running low. We should go hunting for something fresh."

"I'll do it," Ciara offered. Days of an uneasy truce had passed as Fell led the way to the stone circle, and she couldn't stand the watchful silences at camp.

"You're going to hunt," Fell said flatly.


"And you think you can bring down a reindeer by yourself?"

"Please, don't doubt me. Spare yourself the embarrassment."

"Spare yourself the attitude, Hall," Sebastian snapped. "Stop acting like you're good at everything."

"Well, in this group, one of us has to have the skills."

"I could take down an entire herd while you get lost in the undergrowth."

"Of course."

"Don't you believe me?" Sebastian stepped in front of her. "Let me demonstrate." Ciara hated how she had to tip her head back to look up at him.

"That's enough!" Fell shoved them apart. "Hall, stop it. Sebastian, this isn't going to get us anywhere. Tonraq, Sebastian – both of you, come hunting with me. Hall, if you're that desperate, you can tag along." He glared. "But stay quiet, and follow my orders. This is my hunt, and I won't have you mess it up."

"Have fun," Isa said, reclining against her sled with a malicious smile.

Ciara silently fumed while Fell led them along the trail of a herd of reindeer. How dare he challenge her hunting? It was obvious hunting was in her blood.

They arrived at a swathe of tracks and he held up a hand, leaning to examine them.

"Fresh," he confirmed. Well, he definitely knew how to track.

Sebastian shot a glance back at her, and she wanted to claw that smugness off his face.

"Why are you acting so pleased with yourself? You haven't done anything yet," she hissed softly, but he ignored her.

As they moved on, as an attempt to deter the hostility, Tonraq positioned his sled close to hers and slightly in front so Ciara was at the back of the group, which she hated. He had been trying to keep the peace all this time, and it had not done wonders for their friendship.

They startled a group of ptarmigan, and the birds burst into flight. The birds flew in front of the sun, and the others didn't bother with them, but Ciara swiped Tonraq's bow from his sled, nocked an arrow and drew. There was a thud as a ptarmigan fell, landing on the cargo bed of Fell's sled – just as she had planned.

Fell went still. "What did you do that for?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. With you hunting, I thought we'd need as much meat as we could get. What's wrong, does my skill bother you?"

"She did it to prove a point," Sebastian said. "So what, you can shoot fast?"

Fell shook his head and continued. They spotted the herd at a distance, and began to close in on their quarry. Fell chose the weakest reindeer, at the back of the herd, the one that was falling behind. The way a wolf pack hunts.

"Get ready," he breathed.

They edged closer. The herd were in an open expanse, a snow-covered meadow, so there was no way to sneak up on them – they would have to dash for it. Ciara readied to spring off the break, to let the dogs run flat-out. They were ready too, tugging impatiently at their harnesses.


Ciara obeyed. Her sled shot forward, matching the pace of the others. She kept her eyes fixed on the prey, focusing so hard that everything else blurred. She was going to make this kill shot. She was going to force everyone to eat their words. She paid no heed to the other sleds as they split off to surround the reindeer. She had to get closer... she stamped hard on the footboards, grabbing her bow. The sled changed direction, skidding through snow, and she aimed...

Wham! Her sled slammed into Fell's, and her heart lurched as both sleds wobbled – forcing her to drop her bow to grip the handle with both hands.

"Hall!" Fell snarled.

Ciara ignored him, trying to pull ahead, trying to get closer. The reindeer had all bolted, but the sleds. She was so close... She fired and her arrow hit the reindeer's flank. It began to pull away as it increased its speed, fear making its eyes roll. Ciara winced at the botched shot, furious with herself for causing the animal unnecessary pain. They had to treat it with respect and end its life quickly so its souls would be at peace –

Fell angled his sled, and she felt his runners scrape past her own. His sled shot ahead, and his team cut in front of Ciara's.

Ciara swore viciously. The dogs' harnesses were tangled, forcing her to stamp on the breaks until they skidded to a halt. Looking further ahead, she simmered with fury as Fell fired an arrow. It hit its mark cleanly and the reindeer shuddered, legs folding with a strange elegance as it dropped.

Ciara kicked a lump of snow.

When the others managed to butcher the reindeer enough to carry it on the three sleds, they began to head back. Only then did Ciara look up from untangling her huskies.

"How dare you!" she cried to Fell, in half a mind to kick him off his sled and drive over him. "I would have made that kill perfectly, if –"

"You weren't paying attention to the rest of us. If you had, you'd have seen our intentions."

"I could have done this on my own."

"Hunters hunt in groups," Sebastian said. "They work together. Without teamwork, Hall, no hunter can manage. That was your own fault."

"Fell rammed me – I could have done it if–"

"I told you, this was my hunt," Fell said. "Next time," he tossed something at Ciara, and it landed on her sled, "you can hunt alone and do whatever the hell you want. But you nearly ruined this hunt, and all because you're arrogant."

Arrogant. Her nostrils flared. "Say that again."

"You're arrogant, and selfish, and you only wanted to do this alone so you could prove your own skill." His blue eyes bored into hers. "You're pathetic."

Fell and Sebastian sledded on, while Tonraq paused.


"Go back to camp with them, I need to take a walk."

Tonraq knew there was no point arguing. "All right, just don't stray too far."

She was still simmering with fury by the time she returned to the camp, head held high and the single ptarmigan lying on her sled. The others were already turning the reindeer meat into a hearty stew, and Isa looked gleeful. Tonraq opened his mouth to speak, but Ciara sat with her back to the rest of the camp while she plucked her ptarmigan.

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