Chapter 2: Hannah

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She promised to call me right after she got to Italy and she was supposed to get there a couple days ago. Sometimes I feel like it's good to be a little worried, it can bring out different emotions in all of us. I already miss Mel so much! I can't believe I'll have to wait five years just to see her again.

Straight to voicemail. "Hi this is Mel, thanks for calling but I can't talk right now, leave your name and I'll call you back soon! Bye!" I've tried calling her four times now and she still won't respond. Maybe I'll leave one more message.

"Hi Mel this is Hannah calling wondering how your flight was and how your big move is going. I just want you to know that I miss you. Bye!" I prepared myself for a downpour because the tears rushed like a waterfall. I can't handle this, I want to go see her again. Has anyone been able to reach her?

"Hello?" Avery said on the phone.

"Hi, what's up?" I said, so glad she picked up.

"Not much how about you?" Avery responded.

"I miss Mel and I was wondering if you were able to reach her at all?" It seemed like a conversation full of all questions which didn't calm me at all.

"I haven't really tried to call her, I've moved on some." Avery was crazy, she seriously thought it'd be okay to "move on".

At this point, I didn't even feel like responding. That second, I ended the call.

In Mel's message she said "I'll call you back soon". But days isn't soon to me. Days can be long, 24 hours means 26,400 seconds and in just one minute a lot can change. I'm still not sure how I'll be able to keep up with Mel when she's so many miles away, for five years. Five years. Nothing can be the same anymore.

What if Mel forgot about us? What if she wanted different friends because she's in a different country? She never even told me her new address. I guess that means no Christmas gift exchange this year.

Sometimes change is for the better, but for the person on the other end, it just makes everything harder. It feels like we are tied up in a knot, all four friends, but in order for us to untie it we have to work together. Skills are needed and advice needs to be given and this all leads to one word. Communication. It's so hard to understand why Mel wouldn't return my calls. I guess she could be busy unpacking or touring the city but I don't know why she'd forget to call us back or text. It's like we're drifting apart, slowly but it's real. Too slow to be real.

I wanted her to know that I'd miss seeing her at the beach and I'd miss passing notes when school came around in the fall. I wonder if she felt the same way about me.

"Honey, are you okay? You didn't come out for dinner." My mom brought me back to the real world after opening the door without knocking.

"Yes, I'm fine! I'm just not hungry! Can't you understand anything?" Maybe the harsh tone wasn't necessary but it's all because of Mel.

"Do you need to talk?" My mom clearly didn't know when to leave my room because she didn't get up to walk away.


"Just tell me, I can understand." My mom might be able to understand this because she was close with Mel's parents and she was sad they moved too.

"Mel. She won't communicate with any of us, she didn't even tell me her address. It's all her fault and it feels like she's forgotten about us already."

"I'm sure Mel wouldn't forget about you but maybe she just got busy doing other things, like moving in completely. It's hard to move to a different country and maybe she's sad too. Just give her a little time to get comfortable." My mom said.

It's hard when you're missing someone, because I only knew her for a few years, and then she just left without turning back. Far away. If only she could've moved to Orlando. At least we'd still be in the same state that way. I'll always remember the day Mel told me she was moving to Italy. I only remember half the day because right after she told me I was so shocked at the news, I fainted. My parents told me all the details later, but it's not too important. I wonder if Mel remembers me the same way I remember her. Because I remember we were so close, and nothing could break us... Until the move was announced.

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