Unrequited Hatred

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Alright! You finished passing out those two trays of drinks to assist Jaehee! She was already back to hanging around Zen, keeping a watchful eye on those girls from behind those lenses of hers. You couldn't help but smile. She seemed like she couldn't help but fall in love with Zen. You understand where she's coming from. He is very handsome and seemed like w very nice boy. They'd be the perfect couple. You sigh and watch from afar as Zen sneaks little glances up at her from his enterauge of women at his beck and call. It's really sweet out of all the women who fall for him at Mystic, he picks the one who seems to work the hardest. You could write a romance novel about it right now and it would get thousands of views on wattpad.

You look behind you and see many other hosts bust and productive. You can't  help but sigh in satisfaction. Every host seemed so happy being surrounded. Well, all host but one. You looked over at the one who Yoosung told you stay away from. He had two girls at his table and he was talking to them, his camera and sketchbook resting on the table's surfaces. He acted like he wasn't smiling but he really didn't seem happy. Maybe that's had something to do with Yoosung? Who knows, maybe you should talk to him...

"Hey V."

V blinks and feels a weight on his head as he was sitting down, sweet talking two of his guests. The two girls seemed just as surprised as he was. That voice... that voice belonged to you, didn't it? He wanted to smile and chuckle at your little antic, but he couldn't. For one it was rude to his other guests to put his attention off of them and focus on another girl who was just here. Secondly you weren't his girlfriend, he can't just drop everything and dote entirely on you. He could before but.. she isn't with him anymore. And lastly he was clouded with emotion again. His old girlfriend did this with him. It made her miss her even more. He held back the tears and the unrest in his voice as he cheerfully greeted you.

"Ah, Hello (name). I see you've decided to come back to our host club. Girls, would you mind if she joins us?"

The two other girls shook their heads, completely fine with you joining them. Based on their appearance, you had to guess they were third years. Just like V. V scooted over, since the booth was small and each seat seemed like it could only hold two people, much in contrast to Yoosung's giant middle booth with seats that seemed like they could hold a party of ten in itself. The two girls smiled and happily greeted you, again in contrast to Yoosung's jealous friends. It was a relief to see V's fangirls were nicer. 

"Thank you V. Hi! I'm (name). Are you guys V's friends?"

The girls nodded. You were about to ask if they had a romantic interest in V of any kind, just like all the other girls who come to the host club crush on their favorite host. Bu then they read your mind and put their hands on the table. They were entwined. You blinked in recoil. Oh, they were dating? Aww, that's cute. But then why were they in the host club? You were a little bit confused. Then you heard V chuckle beside you. His voice when he laughs made your heart melt. Why did he only have two girls here!? He deserved a million!

"See, This is Kristen and Mary. They were some of Rika's freinds when she went here. They're American transfer students, and in America they're allowed to date. They fight for LGBTQ+ rights. I help with their movement, taking photos and creating art for them."

The girls nodded. The one on the right, Kristen you believe, rolled up her sleeve to reveal her rainbow tattoo. The other one, Mary, rolled up her sleeve to reveal a bracelet with the lesbian oride flag on it. Wow, they're so brave! You couldn't help but admire the two girls and their quest for equal rights. Then you admired V for supporting them through their cause. But then you backtracked throughout V's explication. Rika? Who was she? And why did he say the word "was" when talking about her? Well, technically he said "were" but you get the gist. The confusion was written on your face and the group awaited you to ask whatever question was on your mind.

"Who's Rika?"

Silence at the booth. The two girls brought their hands down under the table. Mary looked like she was going to cry and leaned on Kristen's shoulder for support. You turned to V. He looked like he's just seen a ghost. His skin was so pale his hair looked dark in comparison. Then tears were brought back in his eyes. Oh dear. You caused him to cry! You shouldn't have asked who Rika was. You started to panic. You looked around for a napkin so you can dry his eyes. You were squirming and looking around for anything that could help him. You felt so guilty for making this sweet, sweet man cry.

"Oh dear I shouldn't have asked! I, uh, oh where are the tissues in this place!? Uh, do you want me to get you a coffee? I'm sure I can ask Jaehee for one. Oh my I'm so sorry! Please don't Cry!"

A tear rolled down his face. Then another and another. You didn't know what to do. How do you comfort this broken bluenette host? Kirsten and Mary just watched, igniting back their own grief. They watched you bring your hand up to his face and wipe his tears away, forcing him to look at you. Just like she had. You then brought him into a hug and started rubbing his back. V's breath was hitched as his bangs fell over his face. You tried your best to comfort him, without knowing how to. Just like she had. V needed to get this off his chest. He needed to talk about Rika. He can't bottle up his grief. He tried his very best to answer your question without disrupting the entire host club. 

"Rika was my girlfriend. We were going to get married after Highschool. She was also Yoosung's cousin. We all got along and Yoosung used to like me. I'd even say he loved me like family. But then... Rika... she... she... After school one daunting she asked me to meet her in the rooftop after class. I thought she wanted to watch the sunset with me. When I got up there, I saw her shows and a letter... she... she... she..."

V's Words were inunderstsndable. He was sobbing and he couldn't talk anymore. He slouched over his posture and embraced you like a pillow a sixteen year old girl wouldn't cry into at night after finding out her celebrity crush was getting married to Kim Kardashian. It's just the worst possible thing. No wonder Yoosung hated V. He must have blamed him for his cousin's suicide. Poor Yoosung. But even worse, poor V. The one he wanted to spend the entire rest of his life with was ripped from his fingertips. Being a host must be super hard for him. Pretending to love women for their enjoyment without feeling anything in return, especially after such a traumatic experiance, that has to be the worst.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Let it out. It's okay to cry. Shhhh... there there. It'll be okay. I'm sure she's watching you from above, so proud of you for making it this far. I'm sorry."

You just tried every phrase you knew to make him feel better. Your yellow school dress was gettin damp on the shoulders. He hugged you tighter to him and cried. Mary and Kristen were amazed. Never have they seen someone who said it's okay for a third year male student at mystic academy to cry. The lesbians Pokédex between eachother and smiled before standing up and leaving. 

V was in good hands.

1360 Words



I feel bad for writing that.... anywho! I'm also gonna write a book for the Ouran cast since they don't appear here! So if you see a book called "Kiss Kiss Literature Club" please check it out! Thanks in advance!

Love you all and thanks for reading!



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