Sweet Gone Sour

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You walk into the host club, Zen holding the door for you and beaming. You look and see Jaehee over by Jumin, looking real sad. You decide to walk right up to her. You give her w hug from behind, surprising the hell out of her. Zen wasn't jealous. Oh who are you kidding Zen was so gonna be totally jealous! Sorry Dad, but you gotta give Mom a hug right? Yeah. After the kiss and that heartfelt moment with Zen you were in a much better mood than the previous chapters have been depicting you of having. You let Jaehee go and she turned around, pushing her gossses towards her face.

"(Name)? Tell me what on earth was the purpose of that?"

You grinned cheekily. Oh she had no idea, did she? You look back at Zen, who was bosuhign and trying not to ball his fists up while a bunch of girls ambushed him. Poor guy. All these girls and he still can't grt attention from the one he wants. Whatever, attention to baehee. I mean jaehee.

"Give Mom a hug."

You could tell she was about to ask who the father was until she saw Zen over your shoulders and he face went red. You snickered and walked away. Now, which host should you visit first? You already talked to Yoosung today and got a nice hug from him. But you were really sad then. You should probably talk to him and tell him that you're in a much better mood. Oh. But then Unknown... the face he made when Zsn pulled you away from him seemed almost heartbroken. You can't just leave him like that! But you haven't even seen V or Seven yet. You don't know what to do!

Then you were pulled to the side by someone. You expected to meet the mint green eyes of Unknown. He's the one who normally does that. You were smiling like an idiot, in an unbreakable good mood. But it wouldn't last long. You notice that there was a group of seven girls around you and one of them was pinning you to the wall. The situation sunk in and your smile fell instantly. You felt a pit grow in your stomach and your good mood just broke. Oh god. You should have expected this. You were struck across the face.

"Stupid Whore! Stop trying to take the host's for yourselves! We don't care that you're new here or what the hell happened at your old school, but stay away from our boys!"

The girls nodded and growled in agreement. The girl went for another slap. You braces yourself, squeezing your eyes and buckling your knees. You felt w huge frog in your throat, despite the fact you wanted to scream. Your cheek already stung, you would do anything not to get another one. But it looks like you don't even have to do anything. You opened your eyes to see her hand being pulled back and straining in pain to try and break from the grip and hit you. The other girls all gasped, stepping backwards. What? You look to see who the grip belongs to. 


"Now now, that's not very ladylike. Physically hurting another guest? I will have to ask you to leave. All seven of you. We don't promote violence in our Host Club."

The other six girls nodded slowly and walked away, looking like they wanna cry. Jumin let the girl in his grip. Go. She looked as if she was going to trudge off with the others, but no. She lunged at you and tackled you to the ground. She scratched at you and slapped you and punched you as much as she could in a small window of time. You were so unprepared. You coudltn do anything to protect yourself from this onslaught. Luckily, rich girls aren't very strong, but that doesn't mean the scratches she made with her long ass nails didn't sting or the slapping didn't hurt. 

Jumin picked her up off of you and threw her across the floor, sliding like a hockey puck. He then picked you up and put you on a chair, not even bothering to know where it was. He then walked back over to the girl, all crippled on the floor like she was the one receiving a beating and not you. Jumin glared down at her with his cold eyes. Everyone was staring. All eyes were on Jumin, the girl, and you. You don't even know that girl's and and she still came at you with the fury of a thousand hungry lions. Crazy biotch.


The girl gasped at hearing her name out of Jumin's mouth. She looked up weakly, like w puppy that has been kicked too much. But sadly, she wasn't Jonnycake Curtis and she held a privileged life, unlike the outsider. You watched as Jumin grabbed her by the collar and threw her up. The girl, Melanie, struggled to get up on her feet. He clearly was holding back striking her across the face just as she struck you. But like he said, no violence allowed in the host club. She wasn't the victim here. You were.

"You're banned from the host club. Get out."

He seethed at her. She looked like she was going to protest but then Jumin lashed out. He didn't even give her a chance to react.

"Get out now!"

He growled it out like a guard dog. Melanie hen began crying and ran off to find those friends of hers. The host club was silent. Everyone staring at Jumin. Jumin just sighed and cracked his knuckles, turning around to the guests and fellow hosts. Then he meets your eyes. He flashed you a small smile. Wait a second. Jumin smiled? You wanted to see it again. You needed to see it again. Hold up a second, Now was not the time for your silly crush to be acting up! You smiled back at him and controlled your impulses. Jumin refocused back to Then entirety of the club. He would make an example out of Melanie.

"This is what happened if you Insult or harm our family. Now, everyone return to what you were doing."

Family? He included you in his family? After just three days? That's made you so happy you couldn't even describe it. Then Jumin started walking towards you. What was he going to do? Wait for next chapter to find out!

1065 Words


Ugh now that was just lazy. I'm a terrible author lol. 

Okay, so I deleted Kiss Kiss Literature Club. The writing was terrible and it just wasn't working out for me. I might do a different crossover in its place. Doing just one makes me obsessed with it and I will burn out sooner or later. I need two. I was thinking of:

MysticTale (Mystic Messenger x Undertale)

OuranTale (Ouran Highschool Host Club x Undertale)

Alola Host Club (Pokemon Sun and Moon x Ouran Highschool Host Club)

Or just do a regular xreader book for either Kaoru Hitachiin or V or even Ilima or Papyrus if we are really stretching it.



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