Welcome to Mystic Host Club!

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A transfer to Mystic Private Academy, or Mystic (Private) High School, is never a usual occurance. Especially during the middle of a semester. It's one of the most odd things to happen at a school like Mystic. However, that's what you were. 

You wore the yellow dress for women, being the uniform for the acedmy. You wore your hair up nice and cute after a very nice boy offered to put it up for you. He had blonde hair and lavender eyes. He was really nice. You smiled to yourself as you walked down the hall. Your first day has just ended and you were heading home. But then you noticed something. It was kind of peculiar to an outsider like you.

All the girls were heading in one direction.

You rose an eyebrow as you watched girls with flushed faces and wide smile smile walk towards the same big brown doors down the hall. You were very confused. That's when a red haired boy started running down the hall in a dash. His yellow and black glasses were falling off of his face and he was having trouble dodging all the girls. You reach out to grab his shoulder to figure out what was going on. You succeed.

"Woah woah, where's the fire? What's going on?"

The redheaded boy stops and turns around to see you. He pauses and completely relaxes his body from the tense running formation he was in just a moment ago. You get a chance to take a good look at this boy. He had a little bit of chub on him but that made him cute. He had golden eyes and he wore red headphones around his neck in addition to his glasses and blue school uniform. He must really like red. He then flashed a smile at you that made a little pang of attraction go right through your heart. 

"Oh, you're the new kid! I'm seven and I'm late for the host club! Feel free to join my table~"

With that, he lifted his arm dramatically and booked it towards the door again, just like a cartoon character after saying "gotta blast!" To the antagonist. You felt your face going extremely red and a smile forcing itself over your lips. Oh goodness gracious, your heart was pounding so very very fast! 

Who was that redheaded boy!? He said his anme was seven. Where was he going? He said something about a host club and a table. Is that where all these other girls are headed? Towards the host club? It would seem that way because every single girl seemed to have the same expression and feeling thst you were having right now after even a short, subtle interaction with that kid like you had. 

Why were you feeling this way? The boy was adorable and his smile seemed like it could cure cancer. You looked over to the door, turning your body and feeling your skirt twirl with you. It gave you a little breeze. Maybe that's blonde kid from earlier might be here too? Thst would be cool. But there were so many questions to be asked as more and more girls disappeared behidn those big brown doors.

What was a host club? Why was that boy so... attractive? Did every girl at Mustic feel this way about these "hosts"? Well, there was only one true way to go and get all of your questions answered...

You started walking down the hall towards the Mystic Host Club

585 Words.


Thank you guys for starting to read this little crossover fic of mine! Trust me, it won't be good and my perspective on this will be different than most others. Prime example will be what I use Saeran for.

I also have trouble with my spellcheck system, typing everything on iPad. But I hope you won't mind small word counts similar to this and daily updates. If I don't update daily, then I miss the deadline and expect extra effort the next day.

Thanks for reading! I love you! I hope to see lots of comments and support!


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