A Walk With Ray

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Time lapse of one hour since the breakdown between Yoosung and V. No guests were at the club because it was closed and Zen never returned with Jaehee to the club. You could only assume they were havin a nice day. You looked around. Seven and Yoosung were sitting across from Jumin and V at a table, cutting it up and having a blast. Looks like nobody really needed you right now. It might be a great time to go home. You stand up and stretch silently, content with the outcome of your fourth day. You've had enough emotional trauma. Tomorrow is only a chapter away and you are certain it would be fluffier. You look over to see Ray suddenly standing there. He smiled gently at you, even though it was like he teleported to your side. He held out his hand like gentleman, wearing that half black glove that just makes him look like a sexy prince. Your gaze never left his calm, sweet mint eyes.

"May I escort you home?"

There was no need for hesitation. Tou simply smiled at him and took his hand. You'd love to be accompanied by him out the school maybe even all the way home if he doesn't live too far off. Wait a second, isn't he Seven's twin? Don't they live in the same house then? Whatever. He obviously had a plan for that. The expression he wore was begging you to accept his offer, so  who in the right mind would refuse? Certainly you were in the right mind, because you out a accepted the princely boy's offer.

"I'd love to."

Good answer, because it made him so happy. He was practically radiating pure joy from that pure smile off his face! In fact, instead of taking his hand you took his arm and walked beside him. He opened the door for the town of you and you walked into the hallways. They were empty and quiet. It was soothing. It was nice to be here just the two of you, especially after seeing his broken heart face on day two. What chapter was that even? Slut!? Or Unrequited Hatred? One of the two. Speaking of fourth wall breaks, can you beleive there are only twenty five chapters in this book so far? Wow, pitiful. And the fourth day isn't even done yet! It will be after this chapter! THIS BOOK IS SUPPOSED TO LAST ELEVEN DAYS!!!

"So. I wanted to ask if you, by any remote chance, have any... feelings? Towards anyone in the club? Maybe even me?"

He seemed so hopeful. It was so encouraging. Feelings? You knew what he was implying. You weren't dumb. This was his way of maturely asking you who your crush was like a kindergartener would do. If you're not American and have no idea what it is, it's the ewuivielnt to the youngest primary schooler possible. America. Where little kids are compared to a garden of kinders. Whatever Kinders are. Who even knows. However you are a harem fanfiction protagonists and you aren't allowed to be not indifferent so you have to pretend to be oblivious. The struggles of being a protagonist, amirite?

"I like everyone! Zen and Jaehee are like parents to me. They'd make such a good couple! Don't you think? Then Jumin is soooo cool! He is calm no matter what and takes charge! V is so sweet, it makes cupcakes jealous! When he talks to you, he listens intently! Then Yoosung is just too adorable it's hard to even stand yourself! It makes me wish I could be just as cute. Seven then is just hilarious and all around fun to hang out with! Then there's you. You're amazing and helpful and so kind it's hard to beleive you're actually a person. You're unique and I really like that about you, Ray."

You beamed at him, but it was obvious that he was hung up on the other things you said prior to his compliments. Maybe you shouldn't have saved him for last. Savin the best for last isn't always the best thing to do, yeah? He looked really sad after that and it made you hug his arm tighter in reassurance. Then you heard him mumble his insecurities.

"If you like those things about them, does that mean I don't carry those traits? I can't be cool like Jumin or cute like Yoosung too, right? I listen when you speak and you Call me 'sweet' and 'Precious' often, right? Are... you lying about that? Did you just kiss me before out of pity?"

He looked so heartbroken. Oh no not your sweet precious baby. Okay, now you see where he is coming from with the sweet Andy precious adjectives you use for him quite often throughout the duration of this book. You took your free hand and cupped his cheek, both of you coming to a halt just before having to go down a flight of stairs. Side tangent, why do people call a staircase a flight of stairs? It's just weird. Side tangent over. You look deep into his mint green eyes, trying to convey how truly you are expressing yourself with your words. You wanted to break his low self esteem and replaced it with one he deserves.

"Listen to me, you are all those things and more. It's just that is their best trait. Everyone ahd a little hit of each one, but I described the ones with each person because that is what they're best at being. You, Ray, are the best at being a kind gentleman who loves everyone and has a smile that needs to be protected. You are so amazing and don't let anyone make you doubt that, even yourself. Now come on, we have some stairs to walk down. I don't want you to trip."

You have him a peck on the cheek and watched his lips curl back up into that smile you loved. Ah, yes. That's it. Lovely. A smile like his can cure cancer. Joan modern he is a strong character candidate for an ending route. Maybe you'll choose him in day eleven.



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