Chapter 12

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Author's Note: I'm very late, sorry! I had writer's block. This chapter is totally a filler chapter. Carry on.


"Wow, was that today?" I said staring at my family. Apparently today was the day my stepfather came back with my sisters.

"I can't believe you would sneak out when you were grounded! Where were you?!" my mother yelled. "At a friends..." I looked down at the ground, swaying back and fourth.

"What am I going to do with you?" she sighed. "Calm down, Jay," my stepdad said. "You know what, you're ungrounded," she said. "What?!" I was completely shocked.

"You're growing up into an adult and adults make their own choices. Curtain choices you make have consequences and you need to learn to face them. Just promise me you'll behave extra good while the family is here, okay?" she pleaded. I nodded, "Okay."

I'm just so relieved that she's been watching a lot of TV lately. All those family shows must of affected her.

All of a sudden I was attacked by five sweaty girls.

"Hi Louis!" they all smiled. "Why are you all so sweaty?" I asked. "Well stepdad made us run to the park and back for 'exercise'," Lottie answered. "I wasn't expecting that for an answer, but okay!"

I guess my mom and him wanted to have some "alone time".

"So where were you?" Fizzy asked. "Erm, well the thing is, I was... at a friend's!" I said. They all seemed to of bought it, although Lottie gave me a glare. I mean, what I said was true, they just didn't know where this friend lives.

"Well, got to go bye!" I ran upstairs, into my room.

I know, I know. I should be spending quality time with my family. I can't do that right now when I feel misrable! Was it something I ate? Drink?

I didn't know if I was going to barf, or groan, or try to figure out what that tattoo meant. All I can to is relax.

Slowly... drifting... to sleep...


"Louis? You dead?" I heard voice said. I immediately sat up, noticing it was my mum who said that. "Why do you keep interrupting my slumber?"

"Actually, you got a call from Amber," she says, handing me the house phone. "Amber?" I was confused, signaling my mum to go away.

"Hello?" I slowly spoke. "Hey! It's Amber!" she gleamed. "Why are you calling me on my house phone?" "It's a long story, anyways did you use protection?"

"Excuse me?!" I said. "Are you guys, like dating now?" Amber asked. "Hell no! I have no idea where you got that from."

"That's disappointing. What did you guys do anyways?" she asked. "Oh that reminds me! Harry's having a Valentine's Day party. You should come," I said. "Blech, Valentine's Day. I have better things to do then to watch a bunch of drunk couples make out with each other," she responded.

"And what 'better things' do you have to do?" I asked. "Go on Tumblr and Netflix," Amber answered slowly. "You already do that everyday!"

"Whatever, you sure have been hanging out with Harry a lot recently. Any reasons?" I can just sense that she is wiggling her eyebrows. That would be something she'd defiantly do at the moment.

"I thought we already got past this subject," I said. "I'm just not satisfied with your answer," she pouted. "Well too bad because I'm sticking with it."

"So your sisters and stepdad are with you?" she asked. "Yea- wait, how did you know that?" I questioned. "I can see two cars parked outside your house."

"Oh no, you're not-" I was interrupted, "Oh yes I am."

"Why are you outside my house?" I groaned. "Because I'm bored!" Amber whined.

"I suggest you don't knock at the door," I said. "Why? Are you still grounded?" "Actually, no, it's complicated."

"Whatever, I'm on your windowsill," her voice suddenly got louder. I turned around and there I saw her.

"How did you get up here so fast?" "One does not simply ask how I climb," she answered. "Okay then..."

We ended up talking about the party and other junk. We were trying to be quiet so everyone won't notice that Amber is here. After awhile I got a call on my phone.

"Hello?" I answered. "Louis? This is Harry."

"Oh hey Harry!" Amber gave me a wide eyed smile. I don't want to know what was going through her head. "Put it on speaker phone," she whispered. I did as I was told.

"I was calling about the party..." Harry said. "Eager to already arrange it, aye?" I chuckled. "No- it's just that- well-" I interrupted him. "I'm just teasing," I giggled. Yes, giggled. Even Amber gave me a strange look.

I covered to the mic with my hand and said to Amber, "Can you please leave?" "What? Why?" she frowned. "I have some things to discuss with Harry.

"Fine, I'll just go steal some of your mom's perfume samples," she got up and walked out the door. "Have fun with that!" I yelled, suddenly covered my mouth, remembering that no one knows Amber is here. My smoky would think that I was talking to the wall or something.

"Harry, you still there?" I asked him. "That's what I was wondering," he did a small chuckle. "Okay, time to talk about the 'plan'."

"So do you have any kind of party food?" I questioned. "You saw what I ate for dinner. I honestly don't know what's consider 'party foods'," he answered.

"I'll handle the pizza and snacks then," I sighed. "Pizza?" he sounded confuse. "Just, don't worry about it."

"How about soda?" I asked. "I have a root beer cellar!" "Of course you do," I said sarcastically.

"Alright, you do know how to socialize with girls, right?" "Yea, of course," he responded. "That's kinda weird because you've been alone your whole life. Oh well, less work for me!"

"Louis! Your mom has a meadow scented perfume sample! I don't even know what the fuck that's suppose to smell like, but still!" Amber gleamed, standing under the door frame.

"Erm, I have to go Harry! Make sure your house is- well- fancy? I hope the knowledge I gave you was enough, bye!" I hung up before he could say anything.

"Were you guys talking about how you're going to have your own private room to frickle frackle at the party?" she grinned.

"Oh shut up! We're just planning the party, that's all." "Suuuure," Amber wiggled her eyebrows. I sighed, "So you told me you have meadow scented perfume?"


Another Author's Note: Next chapter is the party. Mwahahaha!

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