Chapter 19

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Author's Note: Being sick isn't fun. My Wattpad wants to play games with me again. Carry on.


The scream came out of nowhere, which caused me to jump then fall with a "thud". What the hell was that? I was thinking it was one of my sisters so I got up, opened the door, and said, "Who screamed?"

"Screaming? What are you talking about?" my mother walked by my room looking confused. "Did any of you heard that screaming? It was pretty loud!"

Everyone said "no" at different times. Did they at least hear me falling? That was pretty loud to miss.

My door probably just blocked the sound. That seems like the only logical explanation. Then again, I got a page from a dream once so logic isn't much of an option. I sighed, turning back into my room.

"How dare you," I heard a voice whispered. It made me grab the nearest wall, dragging my nails on it as I slid down. My heart rate increased like I just had coffee.

"Who said that?" I tried not to speak loudly or my parents would think I'm insane.

"Don't try to burn it," it said harshly. The sound caused me to flinch. I wanted to run, but I was too lazy to get off the ground. "Who are you though?" I whispered. My eyes wondered around the room to see if there was anything there. "Let's just say, I'm on your side."

My side? My side in what? What side would that be? I have a side in something?

"What side?" I whisper-yelled. Nothing responded back. "Hello?"

I didn't feel comfy in my room like I did before. I got up and off of the wall. Slowly, I tip-toed out the door and away from my room. I was about to take a left to the bathroom until Lottie decided to say "Hi!"

I flinched because she came out of nowhere. She blinked a couple of times, "I'm sorry, did you just flinch? Since when do you get scared?"

"You crazy? I wasn't scare. It's just that your perfume is really strong," I lied. "I'm not wearing perfume," she said with a straight face.

I ignored her and walked into the bathroom, closing the door. "That's what watching CreepyPastas does to you!" I heard her yell. "CreepyPastas aren't scary at all you brat!" I yelled back. I could hear her chuckling which made me roll my eyes. Watching CreepyPasta is what made me so brave.

I'm not scared of shit, thank you.

What would be relaxing is a nice hot bath with some of mum's bath bombs. She got them at some fancy place so she doesn't let anyone use them. I'll just say that one of they girls used one so I won't get in trouble.

I turned on the water and stripped down to nothing. I slipped into the tub. The hot water made goosebumps rush throughout my body. The mint smell was sutle and nice.

My eyes grew heavier and heavier, to the point where I can't open then. I know I shouldn't be falling asleep in the tub, but the need for sleep is irresistible.

I was laying with my eyes closed for a little bit until I realized that that this was not a good idea. My eyes suddenly opened and I jumped out of the tub to wake me up. That was enough bath time for me. I reached over to drain the water and wrapped a towel around my waist.

Something was missing. Usually the sound of the AC would fill the house, but it's completely quiet. I stepped into the hallway. All the lights were off except for the bathroom light. I rushed into my room, putting on some boxers and pajama pants. Once again, I walked into the hallway.

"Mum?" I called out. "Dad? Girls?" No response. "Hello?!" I raised my voice to the point where mum would of told me to be quiet. The fact that there was still no response, sent chills down my spine.

It was almost pitch black and I couldn't see anything in front of me. I felt the wall around me, trying to find the stairs. When I did find the stairs, I slowly descended them. I had a death grip on the railing.

My foot stepped down for another step, but it just stomped on the ground I was already on. The noise echoed throughout the house causing something to huff in response. Did someone really just huffed at me or was it my imagination?

"Hello?" I said, my voice was cracking. This time, I swear I heard a growl. My eyes grew wide as I tip-toed towards the kitchen. Only a little bit of light to guide me was outside.

I turned the corner to the kitchen when I saw a silhouette in the living room. My heart stopped for a second. Who was this? What am I suppose to do?

"Don't," it whispered harshly. The sound of the voice seems awfully similar. No, it wasn't the voice from my room. This voice seemed like it belonged to someone younger.

I took a tiny little step forward to get a closer look of the tall figure. "I said don't!" it said louder than before.
The silhouette disappeared right before my eyes. This really made my heart beat fast. Where did it disappear to?

Maybe this idea was a stupid idea, but I walked over to the spot it was standing on. Nothing strange happened so that's a good sign.

"You're- you're- you're- ALONE!" suddenly I was tackled from behind.


Another Author's Note: I'm pretty sure british people don't say "bathroom", but I put it in there anyways.

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