Chapter 3

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Author's Note: I realized that I forgot to put the video on the last chapter so I put it on this chapter. Also, I put a picture of what the "lavender room" kinda looks like. (picture the bed bigger) Carry on.


Soft smells of the lavender room filled my nose. It reminded me of Harry. Not that I smelled him or anything. He just happens to have a strong smell of lavender. Lavender this, lavender that, I'm turning into a girl. I must admit that this room isn't the manliest thing on the planet.

Why does Harry has such a girly room in his castle? Was he expecting to bring home some ladies? Now I sound dirty. Dirty, dirty me.

I took a glance out the window. Nothing but dead grass and trees. Man, he spends too much time making the inside look good and not enough time making the outside look welcoming. No wonder why he isn't bringing home any ladies.

I didn't feel tired yet, even though it's like 1:00 AM. Something inside of me was telling me to go explore some more. That would be wrong. Harry might catch me and boom, I'm dead.

I bet if the others were here they would be screaming like little girls. Especially Zayn. Maybe not Liam though, he's a tough lad. Although he is not as tough as me.

No matter what scary things happen I never scream or show any frighted emotion. Sometimes I can get wide-eyed if someone jumps out of a bush to scare me, not saying that happens often.

The urge was killing me and this urge might get me killed. I mean this could be the last time I get to see this castle. Although, I really hope not. I need to see more things than a bookshelf and a tower. I'm in castle dammit! I want to see something exciting. On that note, I left the lavender room.


The hallway seemed darker than before. I didn't even knew that was possible. I tried to search for a lantern glow, but, unfortunately, there was none.

I waited awhile for my eyes to get used to this much darkness. I decided my eyes were adjusted enough and started walking.

I had no clue where I was going. I made sure to walk quietly so Harry won't hear me. He never told me where his room was. I wish he did so I don't have to walk so slow and calm. For all I know he can be still wandering the halls.

All of the rooms had their doors shut and locked until I stumbled upon a room with its door wide open.

Do I dare go in? What if Harry is in there? What if that's his bedroom? What if he'll be coming in any second? These questions ran through my mind. Whatever, YOLO. I mentally slapped myself for thinking that.

I entered the room.

I was relieved when I saw that there was no one in the room. I really did not want to be caught snooping anywhere. My body relaxed as I straighten myself out.

The room was so basic. White everything. Only small knick-knacks weren't white.

I noticed wine bottle in a glass case. It read "IHGY." IHGY? What does that mean? Something that really surprise me was the date the wine was sold. "September 16, 1912." That bottle of wine could be worth thousands! No wonder why it's on display.

Nothing seemed to interest me here. All there was to this room were books. Book after book after book. Is that all this boy has, books? He probably read them all twenty times, today. I chuckled at that thought. Nerdy Harry, hehe...

I was reading one of his books on astronomy until I heard a familiar voice, a familiar Irish voice.

"Is he asleep right now?" I heard the voice say. Niall? Was the voice I was hearing Niall? Maybe it was just something Harry put in the tea.

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