anxiety attack #3 - september, 2018

18 4 2

Beauty blender

Society imposes us a bunch of standards we have to reach if we want to fit in. But at the same time, criticize us for doing so.

The most basic example we can use to describe this situation is make up.

Society criticize us women for using make up, but if we don't do so, it's because we are lazy, sloppy and don't take good care of our own image.

Sometimes I find myself in front of the mirror doing my make up and then I ask to the mirror: are you doing this to cover up all your insecurities and to feel good about yourself or just because you like make up?

I learnt to see make up as a form of art and something I enjoy, something like a ritual. But also learnt to walk out the door without it on my face and not feel bad about it.

"You look fake with all that make up"

"You go out looking like that? You should take care of yourself more, woman"

And you should let us decide if we want to use it or not. It's our face, you scumbag. Woman don't have to feel bad for using make up or for not using it.

Society, specially men need to start to not care about others people business. I'm not out there saying, you really going out like a homeless? Take care of yourself! Are you really taking this much time fixing your hair?

I'm seriously so done with this society. Nothing is good and everything is wrong but right at the same time.

It sucks. Increases insecurities because we all are afraid of being ourselves because of what someone might say about us.

These days, we are obliged to blend our personality, who we really are in a thin layer so we are just like everybody else.

It's 2018, for fuck sakes. We should value diversity, not clones with high standards.

We are all different. We need to embrace that, not push it to under the carpet like it's not there.

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