anxiety attack #19 - august, 2019

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the air I need to breathe is you and I only understood now

he frowns as his eyes fall on me. my stomach flips countless of times as I dont know how to react. my breath hitches in my throat, my eyes not believe what they are seeing.

my head spins and a thousand of thoughts run through my mind. it's him. again. why now? I can still feel all those crazy bugs inside me just like the first time we met.

"you look paler." he states, his first words to me catch me off guard. i was not expecting that.

"maybe i stopped going to the beach after we stopped talking." i try to throw a laugh among my words so the atmosphere is less thicker.

"you never liked the beach." he said, matter of factly.  it's true and he knows.

but he's right. i'm in fact paler than i was two years ago when we first met. my skin got paler with the time as the bags under my eyes got darker. i look sick.

"you got me there." i laugh softly, trying to disguise my nervousness with it. i want to leave, i want to leave now. but at the same time i don't. his presence always had this effect on me. always making me want for more. one more second of his attention, one more minute of his eyes on me, one more hour of his sweet voice as he talks to me. "i- i should go." i manage to stutter out.

"yeah..." he says with a small nod but none of us move.

the anxiety clutches my chest and makes my head dizzy. i can almost smell his strong mint scent mixed with axe.

as i'm about to turn around to leave, craving to breathe fresh air, he speaks up again, his sweet voice pulling me again to him. he makes it so hard without even acknowledging.

"it was good to see you, tyler." he shows a half smile. i missed his smile more than anything and it makes my heart race just thinking about it.

"it was good to see you too, josh" i breathe out, a smile instantly forming in my lips without even noticing.

with that i leave. i thought i could finally breath again. but walking away just made it worse.

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