Call From my Yo-YO Brother :) !!

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You people might be thinking that this would be a funny chapter , but it isnt !! :) 

Enjoy :)

Damon pulled me more closer and suddelny my BlackBerry statrted ringing .At first I didnt pay any attention but then when the ringing didnt stop , I like a fool , broke the kiss and went to fetch my phone as soon as i picked it up , it stopped ringing . 

" Who was it ??" Damon asked me , 

" My Brother edward ... He might be calling again so , call me okay " I said and turned . When damon said . 

" Where ?? " 

" To see if Stefan has come back or not " I said and went . 


My phone started ringing again but instead of caliing me , Damon started talikng himslef on the speaker mode . 

" Hey saam " Edward said 

" Umm.. this is Damon " He repleied. 

"Who ..?? Where is saam ? " He asked 

" I am Damon salvatore  and saam is here only " He replied 

" What the hell are you doing with my sister Damon , You did this before and now u r doing this to my sister " He said 

"Oh pls , I aint doing nothing to her , she is living with me and stefan and plus We are dating " He said 

I just eneterd the room when he said that .I was so gone now .Why did he say that ....Aaarfghhh . 

I literallly snatched the phone from his hand . 

Hope u guys like it :):) !!


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