When I got Drunk !!

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Gyus this one will be short ,,,enjoy . Love !! :) :* 

I pulled him and said in his ears .

'' Damon salavatore i love you " I said and fell to the ground . 

Later when I woek up 3 hrs later I found out that it was four in the morning and and I was lying on Damon bed with , he sleeping really close to me . I  was really thirsty so , I got up without disturbing Damon and went to the kitchen and when I came back , Damon was awake . 

" Hey where were you " He asked me 

" I just went to the kitchen ... I was thirsty " I said 

" Oh okay ...  " He said 

 I went and sat , Damon laid down . Then Damon said . 

" Dont u wanna sleep ?? " 

" No . I dont feel like sleeping .... I just wanna talk " I said 

" ABOUT WHAT ??!! " Damon gave me a confused look . 

" About anything .. anything " I reapted 

" Oh so .. Tell me something about your family " H esaid 

Ohkay ... Now that was a difflicult one . 

" What shoulld I Tell .... I never saw my Birth mother niether my father . I live at a foster home . You know why .. I wasnt scared of you when you told me that you were a vampire because my foster family is full of vampires too !! " I said 

" What ?? really ??" he seemed astonished . 

" Yes , They always wanted me to become a vampire , but i didnt want to , then on day .Anew memeber came and he was my brother , He was really nice to me and didnt let anyone force me  and always took great care of me ..........................................Thats it " I said after a long pause .

Damon who was already astonished came close and Kissed me . It felt really good , it was natural as if nobody had forced me or him . 


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