The Decade dance .

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Chapter thirty-five 

Klaus and Elijah were here too .Now couldnt they leave us alone !!

I was actually scared to see them cause I was afraid of them but on the other hand Stefan and Damon were there for me so the tension was less . 

" Stay here and I am going to get Damon , then we will get out of here " Stefan said and I nodded my head . 

I stood there waiting for both of them , they were taking a hell lot of time now . So , I turned around to go and find them and what I see is Klaus is standing in front of me giving his evil smile . 

' Umm , excuse me you are blocking my way . Can you get  a side ?? " I said . 

" Nope , I am actually here for you " He said . 

" Oh really and why would that be let me guess , you want me so you could make hybrids , right ?? " 

" You are so intelligent , love but right now I am here for something else " 

" Oh yes , and what is it ?? " I asked . 

He leaned in more closer and whispered in my ear - " I am here to ........ taste you " 

I frowned on what he said and try to push him away  but that was not possible , he dug his fangs inside my throat and used one of his hand to cover my mouth so I wont make any noise . I was dying of pain and he just kept drinking my blood , not stopping . I realized that I could not do anything instead of let Klaus do what he wanted , I had already decided that I was dead . But then Damon came and pushed me away from him . 

" Run Saam , run away " He said . 

" But Damon what about --------- " he interrupted me  . " Just go " 

I turned around to run  when Elijah came out of no where , and twisted my neck . I was temporarily dead . I didnt get to see anything that happened next , I had blacked out . 

The next . when I opened my eyes was that , I was tied to a huge pillar in a large hall and Klaus was sitting beside me , feeding me his blood from his wrist and Stefan was on the other side of the hall tied to a chair with vervain ropes and he was bleeding like hell . 

I pushed Klaus's hand away and tried to sit properly . I was tied really tightly I couldnt even breathe properly when I said -

" What the hell are you doing ?? " 

" Cant you see what I am doing , love . I am feeding you my blood . " he said . 

" Why ?? " I asked  wiping the blood  from my mouth 

" Umm , because Elijah snapped your neck really hard , I was afraid if that would kill you so I fed you my blood " 

Oh , now  I get it . You didnt want me to die because then you would not be able to make your hybrids , right ?? " I asked . 

" Correct  , love . Now I am going to leave you both and take a look at how's your boyfriend doing !!" he said , ruffling my hear and getting up to go . 

I didnt say anything , but just watched Klaus get out of the room looking at Stefan . 

 " Stefan ........   " I said slowly . 

" Saam , are you alright  . ?? " He asked . 

" Yes , I am but where is Damon ?? " 

" Ummm , when you and I were tied here. I heard then say that they are going to lock up Damon downstairs . " 

'' But why the hell have they taken us here ?? " I asked . 

" I have no idea but I guess because if your blood . " Stefan said while looking around the whole  hall . 

 I was too weak and tired so I just closed my eyes and kept quiet . After some time Elijah came in the hall .

" My hello to you . So.... how is it going around ?? " Elijah said .

"  What do you want from us ?? " Stefan asked .

" Umm nothing much from your brother and you but as Klaus has told before we need the dopplegangers blood and she is a kind of sentimental girl so when she sees you both in pain then she will give up " he said . 

" Uhhh .... I said I wont give you my blood then please dont do it please I beg you . Please !!! " 

" Then we dont have any choice , rot here " Elijah said  but I stopped him in midway . 

" Please Elijah . I know you are the better brother so please leave us , you also know that hybrids will create nothing but destruction . Hurting others wont help !! " 

Elijah turned towards me with a sentimental look and said - " Ummm ..... I dont have any choice now . I think I should let you both go now that you said the truth , Saam " 

I smiled weakly and thanked him . He opened up the rope I was tied to then I opened the rope which Blonidee was tied to . We were about to get outside the hall when Stefan went out but Elijah held my arm and stabbing me with a knife in the stomach . 

" Stefan " I gave my last scream . Stefan turned and  what I saw was shock in his eyes . 

" Elijah what did you do ?? " he asked . 

" Matter finished once and for all . Now Klaus wont fight for anymore hybrids , you brothers wont have any problem and lastly I am free now " he said . 

I was lying there on the floor blood flowing out like anything . The floor was covered with blood my hands were bloody . Now was I going to die now  ??!! 

Stefan was sitting beside me holding my hand and crying .  I had seen him cry for the first time ever , then I heard someones voice - a identical one when he came in sight. I saw Damon before closing my eyes forever and I soon was going to meet my parents up there and I smiled for the very last time . 

 So what do you think will happen next ?? 

Read to find out !!

Till then - Vote , Comment anf Fan :D !

- Saamiksha !! xx 

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