My Prey by Storm

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My heart beating fast. " They could hear me breath so loudly." I fixed the bandages on my arms. I can climb a tree I'm sure those boys won't even get near it to scared of ruining there new shoes. I ran out my heart thudding. I reached to the Oak I was looking for climbed even though the branch was ten feet up. I grabbed my friend's wrist she was tired. She never climbed a tree before. " Okay you just jump and land kind it!" I said explaining. This happens every time, I get denied for loving nature but never leaving the shade of the tree. I nodded to show her it was time and that I would catch her if she falls. She jumped " Good you made it see?" She smiled. " I rather stay on the ground." I looked for the boys still trying to climb the tree thinking we are still there. " Okk, a little farther ahead, Spring." we jumped from limp to limb. " Follow I already have a place and a present for you there!" I jumped while she ran to my house. I jumped down the tree. " This is my place you can stay here if you can build the stuff, your present is inside." We slipped up the spiraling staircase that I made. " There's a room set up for you already, last week your present is called Frecklespot or Freckle, or spot whatever you choose. She will stay with you ways and help you out." Suddenly Ash, my cat turned visible. " They also have secret powers but it takes something to "unlock" them," Ash meowed when I finished. " I got your stuff from your house here already." Spring bounced up" Okk, I'm a inventor." I looked at her. " Yea I hunt and stuff like that... so yea explore your room has your name on it, same with mine. The jobs and chores are written on a dry-erase- board." Ash sniffed the air for our next victim. " She will find out soon." I whispered to Ash.

Coming home with two squirrels that my cat, Ash, caught an I caught a deer. Seeing the solar panels on the roof, I walked through the door. "I'm home with food!" I yelled. Spring came down the stairs that led to the the different room  "This place is HUGE!" Frecklespot was on her shoulder. "Her nickname is Freckle, how did you make the tv work?" I turned it on. "Solar Panels, made them by myself. At first they didn't work, then I made a few adjustments." The television screamed with red words ' Boy found dead by Warrior, the serial Killer, with whiskers! Stabbed two  times!' I turned around " That is, horrible." A picture of the boy came across. " Isn't that the boy who chased us?" Spring asked. I looked. " OMG that is!" seeing the whiskers carved on his skin. The news flickered on and off showing that the news was over, so I turned it off. I took the spatula and flipped the venison. I put half of the venison on two plate and the rest in the solar powered refrigerator. I gave one squirrel to Ash and the other to Freckle. I gave a plate to Spring and a steak knife. We ate our food. " Did you see your room yet?" Spring shooked her head. " Once we are done I will show you." I said. " How did you build this it's so big Storm!" I gulped down some of the meat. Once we were both finished I walked up the stairs to the third level there was three rooms one said Storm, one said Guest, and the other said Spring. She opened the door seeing the tv on top of a shelf the bed was a grey sheets. " I love it!"  She exclaimed while Freckle sat down on her nest.

I got up and put on a blood stained white hoodie. I ran from tree to tree, going to the school. Ash was on my shoulder. Watching the boys going in, " Hi boys." They turned around scowling. " Go ahead I can beat you any way." They started I pushed one boy on the branch they were dangling, the other I pinned to the floor. " Why I thought you could catch me, here you are pinned by a girl, hah." He scowled. " Yea funny!" I laughed. " Shall you guys try again?" He narrowed his eyes. I took the guy off the branch. " You will always be an outcast Storm." I shrugged. " Oh wow poor me!" They chased me through the trees, well I kinda lead them in. " I jumped up a tree, they lost track of me. " See what did I tell you, you wouldn't win!" I chuckled. " Well it was fun, to bad you are lost!" I still followed them of course. " Storm!!!" They yelled. I jumped down. " What? You want me to lead you guys out of the forest, okay" They stared. " Why are you eyes always red? It's different." I looked. " My eyes are normally red. What makes it so different?" They both shrugged. " It's cool how they glow and see them in the dark." I rolled eyes. " It's to late to go back it's Dusk. We can go to my place I have a guest bedroom and Spring is building another one, yesterday." They nodded. " It sucks that Fred died he was your bus." I said to them before we all made our way up the spiraling staircase. " Did you make this by-" I cut him off. " Yes I made it all by myself, most of the stuff I made." I opened the door. " Let me show you to your guys rooms." I made them go up to the third story showing them to there rooms. " This one is for you, Chris." I wrote his name. I walked to the other side of the hall. " This is yours, David." I also wrote his name. " Thanks," he said. " I will take you back in the morning. Here eat and take some to Chris please." I left to go downstairs. Luckily there was four plums and some BlackBerries that I found while hiking. I gave two plums to Spring, we sat on the couch watching Criminal Minds, and  Tree house Master. " I better go check on them you never know they might change into three year olds." I exclaimed throwing my hands in the air, the plums clutched. I made my way to Chris' room. " Knock, knock" I said in a high pitched voice. " Come in, Storm." he said. I opened the door. " Did you like the venison?" I asked. " What venison nobody gave me venison! No wonder I was wondering why I didn't give any food." I looked pitifully at him. Okay I maybe forced myself. " Go downstairs in the fridge, and get some BlackBerries. Do you still want to go back tomorrow? It's suppose to be lightning, I have to go collect food anyway." He looked at the window. " Me and David already checked the weather, and we agreed to stay here if you give us the opportunity." I nodded.

It was raining when I woke up. Someone was knocking on my door. I quickly got up and put on my blood stained hood and black jeans. " Come in..."  They opened the door. " Happy Birthday Storm!" I looked on my calendar. " Thanks but my birthday doesn't start until tomorrow morning." They all smiled. " We know but you were asleep we made some BlackBerry cake your favorite!" I took the plate with the cake and started to eat. " Thank you guys!" I hugged all of them. It's amazing how easily enemies turn to nice friends. I gave Ash the rest. " Hey David and Chris, we need some people to help us live her. do you want to live here?" David chuckled. " Are we going to have nicknames like your names?!" I nodded. " Sure if you want," I made a hmm sound. " How about Rock for Chris and Pop for David, hahaha just kidding you have some time to think. Well until I come back. Come on Ash." I left the house. I sniffed. " Go hunt some birds." I ordered having her climb a tree.  " Meet me by the creek once your finished." I am so glad that's a smart cat.

I hunted a raccoon, Fox, a bucket of strawberries, a basket of Blueberries, a plastic bag full of squirrels, and two birds that Ash caught. Me and her hunt so mice by the creek we found a nest of them. When we came back we had twelve mice for the cats to eat and fourteen for the humans to eat. I opened the door and placed the food in the fridge except for two mice which I gave a cat one each.

David and Chris came up to me. " We both agreed our nicknames I'm Dog, Chris is Bear." I nodded to them I will right that down. Chris your job is to invent just like Spring. David you can do inventing as well." I went to the second floor showing them a little pet room. Two dogs, well puppies. " Here this one is for you Chris." I said handing him a Chihuahua. " I shall' name him, Goldie," I laughed. I turned around picking up a white puppy, it was also a Chihuahua. " Here David." I said giving it to him. " I will call her Snow." I explained to them that they will help you out on anything and that will follow them. I cooked four mice giving two raw to the cats. I soaked the mice in some BlackBerries. " Dinner!" I yelled.

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