
540 8 24

Life has been pretty boring.

You work at a Mc Donalds because you are a failure.

The costumers treat you like shit everyday, but you're already used to it. White moms screaming at you for doing your work. Retarded teenagers trying to look cool by being assholes. Or just shy dudes making everything awkard and then ending up only buying fries.

Every day feels the same. All of your friends live far away from you, so you can only text them every once in a while. You barely go outside on weekends. You've tried dating on tinder but the guy ended up having a furry kink. 

  You also live in a cheap apartament. You have a tv and a PS1, where you only play Crash Team Racing, Parappa the rapper and a copy of Pepsi-man that you bought from a suspicious-looking asian guy on Craiglist.

Your neighbors are pretty chill, except for the ones right next to you. Sometimes they're really loud.

One day, you go to work as usual..

But something... something tells you that today is not an usual day...


 aaaaa okey well sorry if i spelled something wrong i only speak taco

its just an introduction lol u r gay if you read this

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