Wind Up (Dave)

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I nodded along to the music, watching the band perform from the side of the stage along with my best friend, Jill. It was the first show that I had been able to make in a while due to school and had conspired with Taylor to get to the gig in San Francisco in order to surprise Dave. They were almost done with the tour, I was so close to graduating and we were just looking forward to a few months of just being together again.

Taylor's drum solo was coming up and I could feel the butterflies in my stomach begin to multiply. In a few moments, Dave would hand his guitar to the tech and head to the side of the stage where he could watch Taylor perform, drink his beer and rest his voice for five minutes. Tonight though, I would be there to hand him his beer instead of their road manager Gus.

Sensing my anxiety, Jill nudged my arm and handed me my drink, laughing when I polished it off in just a few gulps. I watched as Dave finished up Low and played the outro, trying not to stare too hard at the way his arms flexed as he played his guitar. We might have been together for the better part of three years, but he still had a way of making me feel like an idiot fangirl again.

Taylor began to hammer away at his solo and right on cue, Dave handed off his guitar to his tech and ducked out of the spotlight in search of his beer and his break. I stood awkwardly next to the equipment box with his beer, grinning like a fool with excitement and nerves. He stumbled around in front of me for a moment, letting his eyes adjust to the dark corner before they finally fell on my face.

"Holy shit... You're here!" he yelled over the music and ran at me, throwing his arms around me in a suffocating hug.

"Surprise!" I giggled and hugged him back, soaking up the feeling of him against me again.

"Wait!" he pulled back just enough to see my face. "You had a test today! You-"

I shook my head to interrupt him. "I took it early."

"And?" he bounced excitedly in my arms.

A wide smile spread across my face as I nodded. "I graduate in three weeks. ... with honors."

"Fuck! I'm so proud of you!" he yelled, then suddenly grabbed me by the backs of my thighs and lifted me into his arms.

I cried out in surprise and locked my ankles around his waist as he ran down the ramp to where Gus stood, looking more than a little annoyed.

"Two minutes," Dave promised him and continued on, flipping Gus off when he yelled back at us.

"That's not really something I'd be bragging about!" he hollered.

Dave carried me to a spot just off the stage where the riser, curtain, and wall made a little space that was hidden from the crowd and partially hidden from the stage. "I fucking missed you," he breathed, giving me no time to reply before his lips were on mine.

I could barely breathe, much less think with how intense he was. He held me up against the wall with one hand under my thigh and the other cradling my jaw so I couldn't even look away, not that I had any desire to be anywhere but there at that moment. Our teeth clashed and his tongue ran along mine, eliciting an involuntary moan from me that sparked something almost dangerous in him. He ground his hips into me, making me curse every fiber in the layers of clothing between us.

He groaned in frustration when he pulled away and set me down, looking over his shoulder at Taylor to gauge where he was at in his solo. He spun back to me and held his hand out with a half smile. "Gum."

I grinned back and spit the gum he had slipped into my mouth with his tongue into his hand, laughing when he tossed it back into his mouth and kissed me again. "Gross, David!"

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