Dan II (Grohlkins)

846 16 42

"So she's cool with this?"

"It was all her idea, man..."

"What does that mean though?"

Taylor's warm hands, no doubt still buzzing and aching from his time behind the kit left Dave's, making his head fall back against the couch in defeat, "Fuck if I know!"

"I'm not fucking up what you have with her, D," he said it so forcefully that it sounded like more of an effort to convince himself rather than the man sprawled under him. "You love her."

"I-..." he stopped short before he really fucked it all up, then let his face fall when Taylor clamored off of him to stand in the crushed grass several feet away.

"You what, Dave."

Suddenly feeling rather cold and rather alone and rather scared, he swallowed the lump in his throat that must have been his pride and croaked, "I love you, though."

"You-," Taylor stepped back again, sending his shoulder into the corner of an equipment box, "You can't... Dude, you can't say that shit and not mean it."

That sent Dave off the couch, ready to stomp up to his best friend to show him exactly what he meant by loving him, but instead, he retreated to the opposite side of the tent and raked his hair back off his face. It was a habit of his, something he always did when he was freaking out about something, but now it only reminded him of the bruising kiss Taylor had delivered just moments before.

"I do mean it, T. I feels weird to say it out loud, but... fuck, I mean it."

Taylor's arms crossed over his cut-up shirt and his deep frown hacked away at the resolve Dave had built up. Any minute now, he'd turn tail and run, hop on his bike and never look back.

"Then... Say it again."

"... that I-"

"Tell me that you love me. And not in that stupid bogus way you do onstage. Tell me you love me and mean it."

His mouth fell open again, but something Jordyn said just before he'd fired up his bike to set out on this fool's errand echoed in his mind, "Talk is cheap, David."

He tried to make a plan. He really tried to talk himself through the next several steps, but the very second he was close enough to see Taylor's eyes dilate, all bets were off.

The prickle of Taylor's beard against his own was distractingly foreign, to the point where Dave was a little too rough in sending him backward against a surface strong enough to hold the two of them. A sharp grunt from Taylor when his back hit the corner of the equipment box made Dave pull away to apologize, but Taylor wasn't having it. Those long fingers tangled in his dark hair once again and pulled, hard, until even their tongues were fighting against each other.

"I love you."

Dave wasn't even really sure he was the one that had said it, but Taylor reacted accordingly, throwing his arm between them and locking it in place until he'd caught his breath.

"What does this mean?" he asked, staring over at him with nothing but fear in his eyes.

"I...," Dave was overwhelmed with the desire to knock his arm away and finish what they kept trying to start, "I don't know. I mean, I know that this changes shit and I know that there are... obstacles-"

Taylor scoffed so loudly that it made Dave wince. "That obstacle being a good person. Your wife and one of my best friends," he interjected.

"Yeah, but, I mean... maybe she was sick of me saying your name in bed or maybe she just realized where I needed to be. She's always kinda known me better than I know myself and-" his rambling was interrupted, thank god, by Taylor crashing into him again, pulling hard on his hair yet again to bring his already bruised lips against his own. And he'd happily get used to the hair-pulling if it meant feeling Taylor grinding his hips against his own.

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