Surprise! (Dave)

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"Family... Fun Time?"

You frown as you read the blinking neon sign bolted to the side of the large primary color painted building and hesitantly unbuckle your seat belt. Dave stifles a laugh next to you as he climbs out of the driver's seat and hurries around the car to open your door.

"Thanks," you mumble, letting him take your hand and walk you towards the entrance. Looking around at the empty parking lot, your confusion grows. "Dave, I think they're closed."

"Oh...," he scans the lot, seemingly for the first time and tries the handle on the door, shrugging when it easily opens. "Looks like we're the only ones here, then."

You narrow your eyes at him, sensing he's up to something and hesitantly walk into the building. At first, all you hear is the electronic chiming and pinging of the arcade games around you, but then a deafening shout to your right makes you nearly jump out of your skin.


Stunned, you feel Dave's arms wind around your shoulders as you stare at the crowd of your friends gathered around a table piled with beer and pizza. "What... the fuck?" you ask, looking up at Dave's smug grin.

"It's your birthday party!"

"My birthday isn't for another two weeks!" you cry, taking the beer that Taylor offers you.

"Yeah, but you ask too many damn questions so I had to book it early," he explains and looks up when Taylor begins to bounce impatiently.

"Can we go play now?" he whines.

"Yes, Hawkins," Dave replies, rolling his eyes. "Go."

You laugh when he and his girlfriend, Allison, take off towards the games and begin to greet the rest of the crowd. They were mostly close friends of yours and Dave's, but there were some that you hadn't seen in years and it made you wonder how Dave even knew them. An old friend from college tells you that Dave had personally called to invite him and was completely blown away when he realized it was actually the Nirvana drummer turned Foo Fighter on the phone. Some of your old friends knew you had worked with Dave in Seattle, but not that you had been seriously dating for almost two years.

After reminiscing over a few beers and some pizza, you end up back in front of Dave and he drags you down into his lap. "What do you want to do first?"

"I don't care," you reply, looking up at that large sign boasting Mini-Golf! Laser Tag! Bumper Boats! Go-Carts! "I'm going to kick your ass in all of it so, it doesn't matter."

His smile fades and you watch as the competitive side of him emerges. "All right," he says decidedly, standing up with you in his arms so suddenly that you almost spill your beer. "It's on."


Dave runs down the ramp and leaps into a green go-cart, immediately testing out the pedals and the feel of the wheel as you laugh and close the track gate behind you.

"Do you want the pink car, Miss?" the guy running the track asks, seemingly annoyed that he had to deal with a lady.

"No, I won't put you to any trouble," you say sweetly. "The black car will be fine."

He shrugs and unnecessarily holds the black cart still as you carefully climb in and strap the harness around yourself. You then sit patiently as he explains how the go-cart works.

"This pedal is the gas, that makes you go and this pedal is the brake, that makes you stop. Now, you're going to want to take the corners a little slow since you're a beginner and if you get caught up in a turn, I'll come out to get you facing the right way. Make sense?"

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