Chapter 11

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As the group walked through the nest of the Akrid, they walk past countless Dust crystals and Thermal Energy veins. Even their auras reacted to the large amounts of Thermal Energy but they figure out how to control it. There was also strange plant life near the Dust deposits.

"To think that these creatures have been living right under our noses this whole time," Oobleck said.

"Yes. And now I have a story of how I descended down into the depths of these creature's nest with my friends and took down their queen," Port said. They soon ran into Sepia and Trillids that charged at them immediately. John made quick work of the Trillids with his VS while the others took care of the Sepia.

"Jeez, these are more aggressive than the last nest," Yang said, reloading her gauntlets.

"The queen must not want us in her nest," Ozpin said. "Which means it's doing something with Cinder and Amber."

"Then we better hurry," John said, they then quickened their pace to a run.

They then hear Akrid behind them. The teachers turn around and looked at their students.

"Go. We'll hold them off," Ozpin said, getting his cane ready. John and his team nodded and ran farther into the nest.

John and RWBY enter the queen's chamber but she wasn't there. They all look around, trying to figure out where the queen is. There was a massive hole in the middle of the chamber and Yang looks down it.

"Yang I don't think that you should do that," Ruby warned.

"C'mon sis it's just a ho-" the queen bursts from the hole, making Yang jump back to the group. The queen's back legs were gone and she actually had eyes now with a large weak spot at her forehead but it was a little armored, so were her weak spots on her arms. But then they see to large Thermal Energy spots in her chest with Cinder and Amber inside them, Amber was in the left and Cinder was in the right, sound asleep. Then armored plates covered the sleeping girls, preventing them from being taken out. The queen's antennas began to glow and then storm clouds form above the teens. Lightning came down and fast but they all were able to dodge out of the way.

"What was that!?" Weiss asked, surprised.

"It must be using whatever power that Cinder and Amber have!" John shouted. The queen fires an ice beam attack with sharp icicles forming. John dodges and fires his gatling gun but the bullets barley pierced the tough skin. The queen, swipes her arms, waking the whole team back. John jerks as his VS slammed into the wall.

"Athena are you alright?" John asked.

"I am fine, but it's going to take the VS a little to reboot," Athena said. John opens the VS and jumps out.

"John, what are we going to do?" Ruby asked. John looks at the queen the looks at his VS rocket launcher and gets an idea.

"Yang, Blake, distract the queen and make it mad," John said.

"Piss it off? I can so do that," Yang said. She then launches herself at the queen with a battle cry and got on her back, she began to repeatedly punched it's back. Blake ran up and shot the queen in the face. The queen roar in anger and fwals around, firing and ice beam and summoning lightning. John takes off his Rocket launcher and checks the ammo and Dust storage. The dust storage got busted and all the dust leaked out.

"Dammit. Weiss, I need your Ice Dust," John said.

"Wha-" "Just give it to me!" Weiss gives him every last bit of Ice Dust she had. John quickly loads the Ice Dust in a rocket. A lightning bolt strikes near Yang knocking her off the queen but also hurting itself. Blake runs up to Yang and helps her up. The queen raises her arm to do a wide spread sweep attack nut John fires the ice rocket and hits the queen's arm, encasing the whole thing in ice and weakening the armor. Yang then grabs Blake's ribbon and she starts swinging her around. Once Yang had enough velocity, she lets go and smashed through the iced covered arm and breaks it off the queen, making it roar in pain.

With the queen now very angry, it fires a powerful ice beam. The team tries to dodge but get most of their body encased in ice, with Ruby being the closest to the queen. Yang and John struggle the most to try and save Ruby. The queen took this time to regenerate its lost arm, setting its sights on Ruby and swings it's arm. Time seemed to have slow down as the mantis like arm came at Ruby. John couldn't believe it, he was going to lose his first love. This can't happen! Not now! Ruby's eyes tear up as she looked at him. John grits his teeth and his aura began to flare, he breaks the ice and grabs the queen's arm before it hit Ruby. His body transformed in front of the whole team. With a good yank, he rips the arm off and smacks the queen, cracking the armor on her head. John then, with incredible speed, dashed to the queen and uppercutted it. He then lands on her chest and punches right through the armor and pulls out both Cinder and Amber. The queen screams in pain and falls to the ground, weakened. John gently puts down both women and dashes back at the queen. With a battle cry, he smashes through the queen's entire head and comes out the other side. The queen gives one finally cry before it's body freezes up and breaks up entirely. John roars as well before transforming back to his human and passes out.

Yang breaks out of the ice and helps the others out. Ruby runs up to John to make sure he was okay. The others follow behind him.

"Was that his....semblance?" Blake asked.

"I....I don't know," Weiss said, they were all shocked, except for Ruby.

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