°5: The New Mission°

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The previous day.

Yerin p.o.v

"You summoned us, father." Father nodded and motioned me and Namjoon to come closer. We complied and stood closer to his desk.

"I have a new mission for you. You are all familiar with the Song family, right." We all nod in agreement. "I've recently found out that they have been trying to take over my business. They tried to destroy my name and make it their own. So I have decided we return the favor. Their business will soon be passed on to their son Song Dae Ho and you all will make sure their whole being will forever be known as a failure." Father gives Namjoon a file with the background information about the Song family. Father then turns towards me.

"They know I'm coming for them and are on high alert so watch your backs. I suggest we make Dae Ho fall in love with our beautiful Yerin and use him to get more information about them. Yerin is a charmer so this should be an easy task for you." Father smiles at me.

"Of course father! I'll succeed no matter what." I bow.

"I hope you do. You boys are dismissed. I would like to have a chat with Yerin alone." Father goes to sit at his desk.

"Yes father." The boys all bow and start to leave the room. Namjoon places a hand on m shoulder. "We will be waiting for you in my team's dorm." I nod and he leaves.

"Yerin you are a smart girl who never disappoints me, but I'm afraid because this mission is different. You'll have to be in a relationship with Dae Ho and you can not ever develop feelings for this boy. He is famous for his good looks, but you must remember that this is a mission, and he is your target." Father looks worried at me.

"I know father. I won't disappoint you."

Present time

"Father wasn't lying when he said the target was handsome. This will be fun." I follow him with my eyes. He sits down at a nearby table, he takes off his jacket and places it on his lap. I grab a drink from the table and head over to the target's direction. I hear one of the boys whine about their drink and I hear one saying something, but I was too focused on the target to hear it.

Jungkook p.o.v

Yerin walks away from the table, her eyes not leaving the target for even a second. I'm getting annoyed for some reason.

"He isn't that good-looking." I scoff.

"Is Jungkookie jealous?!" Everyone in the group gasp at Taehyung's statement.

"No, why would I be jealous?" I take a sip from my drink.

"Aww Jungkook is jealous!" Jimin smiles widely while poking me.

"Could you stop? I'm not jealous, and I'm trying to focus." I slap his hand away from me.

Yerin walks towards the target. She has Yoongi Hyung's hot coffee in her right hand. She is only a step away from our target, who at the moment is concentrated on his phone screen, and doesn't notice her approaching him. Yerin "accidentally" bumps into him and falls on him, while also spilling the hot coffee on him.

"Let's go boys. Let the woman do her job while we do ours." Namjoon Hyung signals us to follow him, and we do. Today, all we need to do is replace a few people. I smile because it has been a while since I killed someone.

Yerin p.o.v

I spill the hot coffee on the target, making sure the stain will last. "I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" I quickly stand up. "Oh no, your jacket is stained! Please let me take responsibility and wash it for you." I bow and take the jacket, I'm about to turn around and walk away when I feel someone grab my hand.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it." He was about to take the jacket out of my hand, but I quickly hid it behind my back.

"No please. I don't like the idea of you walking around with an ugly stain on your clothes." I take out my phone. "Give me your number, and I'll call you to come get your jacket." I smile.

"Okay I guess." He types in his number and saves it under 'Song Dae Ho'. He gives me my phone back while looking down. He is probably embarrassed.

"I'll call you when it's done." I smile at him and sprint out of the café.

I arrive at a dry cleaner and put his jacket in the wash. "Why am I cleaning his ugly jacket. Should have just thrown it away." I pick on my nails when suddenly my phone rings. I look at the caller ID, and it's Jungkook. I walk towards a secluded space and pick up. "Hello bunny boy." I hear a scoff on the other line.

"How many times should I tell you to stop calling me that? It was one time, okay!" I laugh uncontrollably when remembering the day I made Jungkook wear a bunny costume because he lost a bet. "Aww come on, you like being called a bunny. Right, my little bunny?"

"Whatever weirdo. How did it go with the target?" I roll my eyes. This kid is so boring.

"Everything went smoothly, I'm washing his ugly jacket at the moment and will be meeting him later to give it back. How did it go for you guys?" I walk back to the machine as it is about to finish.

"Of course, we succeeded. It was fun killing some people after a while, it would be better if they weren't so easy." I hear him chuckle.


Well I tried XD

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