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Yerin p.o.v

After the coffee date I went back to our house. The guys would be back later, I have enough time to finally relax and chill on my own.

The coffee date with Dae Ho wasn't that bad. I'm sure I'll succeed in my mission. He was also really cute and nice, I guess that's to be expected from guys like him. I wish some people I know could take a few notes on how to treat a lady like me.

As that thought crept up in my mind, I looked around the apartment. "Disgusting." Yep, there is no better way of describing this place. Leftovers, dirty clothes, some kind of stains that I don't want to know the origin from. "Guessing that my relaxation time will also have to include cleaning time."

Third person p.o.v

Dae Ho storms out of the car after arriving at the Song estate. "You can all go away! I don't need you here!." He exclaimes before disappearing into the mansion.

"I guess we're done for the day then." Jin starts the car but halts to a stop when Namjoon places his hands on the steering wheel.

"Hyung, let's go for a drive. We don't want guests at our doorstep." He smiles at Jin, his dimples at full display. "We'll have to stay outside a bit longer than expected."

"Can't we just kill them?" Yoongi's voice is laced with irritation. "I'm tired and want to go home. Send Jungkook or something."

"No, we don't need more suspicion from the Song family. We already got rid of one of their rats today." Namjoon usher's Jin to drive. "Plus Jungkook has other matters to attend, he has been summoned by father."

Namjoon: We're being followed. We'll go left and try to distract them. Jungkook team can go to the other direction. There aren't a lot of them, we'll be able to lose them soon. Don't forget to meet with father Jungkook.
Jimin: Hyung! How can you call us Jungkookie's team! Aren't I the oldest :(.
Taehyung: Can we get some food? I'm hungry.
Jungkook: Understood.

Following Namjoon's orders, the group parts way. Jimin and Taehyung drop Jungkook off at the nearest alley after confirming that they aren't being followed anymore.

"Don't stay out long Kookie, or else we'll get worried. Who knows who you might kill if we aren't there." Jimin pouts at Jungkook, the latter scoffs at the pink haired man. "At least we get to be alone with Rin-rin, right Tae." Taehyung teasingly smiles and agrees.

"Shut up and leave, I don't have time for this." Jungkook walks off into the allay way.

"Our Kookie is still going through puberty Jiminie. You can't tease him like that, what if he actually kills someone. I'd be sad if he kills you." Taehyung winks at Jimin before driving off. The latter doesn't reply and just sits there in silence.

Jungkook makes his way through the familiar path towards Father's office. As he reaches the entrance he is guided by one of the staff towards the man himself.

"Welcome Jungkook. Thank you for coming." He ushers Jungkook to take a seat in front of him. "I'll get straight to the point. Yerin cannot be trusted to kill Song Dae Ho." Jungkook shows a face of clear confusion. "She isn't strong enough to proceed with her mission. She can falter and that mistake could risk us all. I won't permit mistakes. She is to kill that scum but if she can't then the task falls on you." An inner turmoil wreaks havoc within Jungkook's mind. He doesn't want to hurt Yerin. Mr. Choi lifts his drink towards his lips, taking a sip before standing up to stand behind Jungkook's seat. "I know you can do this. You're the only one that knows. What would they think of you if they knew the truth? How would they react if they knew how selfish you are? What would she do if she knew how much of a monster you are?" The air around Jungkook feels heavy, the pressure that Mr. Choi is extruding makes him feel caged.

"I'll do it if she can't. Even if she will hate me." Jungkook lowers his eyes to the ground, no longer staring straight at the portrait of Mr. Choi that is hanging on the wall in front of him.

"Good. Now go on and show me why it was you who lived that night."


Jungkook returns home where he finds Jimin and Taehyung asleep on the couch in front of the tv.

"Sshh don't wake them up. I'm trying to get a picture of them cuddling to black mail them." Heron appears next to him with her phone in her hand. She gets closer to the two on the couch to take some more pictures. Not paying attention to her surroundings she trips. Before she could land on them, catches her by her waist and pulls her towards him.

"Nice catch Kookie! Wait lemme take a picture! Jimin will so hate me if he sees this." She turns around in Jungkook's grasp to show him the picture. As she locks eyes with him, she can see how sad he looks. "Hey? Are you okay? Did something happen." Concerned she scanned his face and body to see if he's injured.

Jungkook pulls her into a hug. "Will you hate me in the future?" He tightens the hug and rests his head on her shoulder. "Would it be selfish of me to ask you to forgive me?".

"What are you talking about? Are you drunk? Why would I hate you?" Yerin slightly pushes him away from her and cups his face with her hand. "We're a team. I won't hate you unless you really fuck up." She smiles at him playfully. She frees herself from his embrace and makes her way to the kitchen. "Come on! I made us some ramen."

Jungkook watches her back as she leaves him there. She looks like a beautiful butterfly trying to entice him towards a path filled with sunshine and flowers. But he won't be able to follow his butterfly. The chains of his past will continue to drag him down into an endless abyss. How could he ever think to receive her affection? A monster like him does not deserve it.



Anyways lol hope you liked the chapter. I'll do my best to upload the next one soon. Stream Seven!

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