Chapter 2-An Unwelcomed Surprise

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I can't believe what I'm seeing as i turn around. It's my brother home from college and I'm in shock! What's he doing here he's not supposed to be back for another two months but i give him a hug and ask him why he didn't give anyone heads up that he was coming home! He looks at me and says "you wouldn't have had the same reaction if i did give you fare warning" which is true! Yet, I look at him and say you're wrong and we share a laugh. Deep down though i knew he was right, maybe i wouldn't have been as estatic if he did tell me ahead of time. Although I'm happy he's back I can't shake this really weird feeling in my gut about him. SOMETHINGS OFF WITH MY BROTHER! We go into the living room where his bags are and I tell him his room is still the same and he can put his bags in there and go rest for the night. He grabs his bags and starts heading up the stairs to his room, but halfway up the stairs he stops and looks at me but I'm in shock from the words that Escape his mouth! "By the way bro congrats on the college acceptance" but how did he know about that if I didn't tell anyone? Regardless, I don't think too much of it and I shrug it off trying to stay positive that my brother is back! I go into the kitchen and make something to eat but something just feels so off. The air around me gets colder as i get ready to leave the kitchen but instead of acknowledging it i grab my food and head to bed. I lay in bed after i've eaten and close my eyes knowing that tomorrow will be normal and that strange feeling will have just been my self-concious!

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