Calling It Off

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**1 Week Later**
~Wednesday March 18~

After being gone for 11 days, Joe was finally able to be home

Joe P.O.V

"I'm home!...Babe, what's going on, why are the lights off in here? What the---have you been laying here all day?"

"Just leave me alone."

"No. You've been like almost everyday when I FaceTimed you, moping around all day. You need to go outside, gets some fresh air." Despite calling her everyday and trying to keep her spirits up, Christie dug herself into a dark hole so much faster than I thought possible.

"Fresh air isn't going to put my life back together. Turn off the lights and leave me alone."

"No! Babe you gotta talk to me. Let me know how I can help. Do you need your parents to come visit? A vacation, give me something."

"I don't need anything, I'm not going on no damn vacation and you better not call my parents. Turn off the lights."

I don't know what to do. Christie has done exactly what I was afraid of going into this dark place and I have no idea how to pull her out. To make matters worse, in the past week she found out her parents are in the process of divorcing & this couldn't have come at a worse time for her. I wish there was a way to fix everything. I'm really worried. I left her in the room and went downstairs. I called the one person I knew could help me...Jennifer (Christie's Sister)

Jenny: Hello?

"Hi Jennifer, it's me Joe."

"Oh.. hi Joe"

"I know you're still kinda upset with me and I get it. But I really need your help"

"what's going on?"



"She needs to see a therapist."

"You know your sister is never gonna go to a therapist. She'll probably get pissed at me for suggesting that. She didn't even want me to tell anyone what's going on. All these things have made her spiral into a dark place and I'm scared of what could happen because of it."

"She's already put wedding planning aside, if we don't get her the help she needs you guys will be stuck in this stagnant phase."

"You really think therapy is the only option?"

"Yes. And you're the only one she'll be open to hearing that come from. So be calm but firm. She's stubborn, we both know that. She needs a little pushing."

"Okay I'll try."


"I brought you some fruit. I know you must be hungry."


I laid down next to her. I've got to step it up now.

As I settled in, I took hold of her hand and put my arm around her. I kissed her hand and she moved in closer to me.

"Christie, I need to be honest. I'm scared, and worried about you. I think you should see a therapist."

"No chance in hell."

"I'm not joking. You have to. You need help."

"Oh you mean have a stranger judge me. No thanks."

"It's an unbiased opinion from a licensed professional."

"Unless they can magically put my life back together I don't care about their opinion."

Living The Dream (Sequel to My Love Or My Dream)Where stories live. Discover now