Road to Recovery

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Christie P.O.V

"Joe?" I opened the door to our bedroom and saw him packing

"Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing. I was just looking for you. How long was I asleep on the couch?"

"Like 45 minutes. But I don't blame you. Neither of us could sleep on the flight back."

Joe & I got back from our honeymoon earlier today & after relaxing for a few hours, now he's packing for the MITB PPV tomorrow in Columbus.

"You sure you don't wanna come with me to the ppv? Will you be okay being home alone?"

"I'll be okay. But I was kinda thinking of booking a flight to Orlando to go to the PC to train after I train with Markshane at the Shape Up studio. It's been a while but I feel good and he really helped get in better shape when I initially moved to San Diego."

Thats great. I think you should definitely prep for that return."

"I'm excited. But since I've just been focusing on maintaining my weight so I could fit nicely in my wedding dress now I can get back into training for the ring and building my endurance and strength."

"I think I helped you build up your endurance pretty damn good this week haha" he kissed me softly as he pulled me into a hug.

"Haha you're so gross. Sex is way different than in the ring. But once I get back into it I'll definitely give doc a call."

"That's good."

Suddenly my phone started beeping. It was a text from Mark Carrano.

'Hello Christie, congratulations on being newly married, I don't mean to bother you but I just got informed about an opportunity for you involving filming your own WWE 24.'

'Please let me know within the next hour because this is essentially going to be documenting your return 3 months post surgery. If you are interested filming would start tomorrow.'

Joe: who's blowing you up?

"It's Carrano."

"What's he saying?"

"They want to film a 24 special for me leading up to my return."

"Are you sure you want a camera in your face?"

"I don't know...this return is gonna be so special and now that y'know.. we're married and I'm in such a good place I feel like it could handle the cameras. I'm just not sure if I want to have this journey documented or keep it private. What do you think?"



"I think you should do it."

"Really?! You do?"

"Yeah. I just think it'll be a great way to just document your progress & show how far you've come after the 6 months you've had."

"That's true...I have come a long way."

"You have. And I'm proud of you...but when do they start filming?"


"Damn that fast. They don't even give you time to think about it."

"No. Mark wants an answer in an hour."

"An hour?! Did he give details?"

"No. Just that they're filming my return so if God forbid I'm not ahead of schedule, I guess they'd film me for 3 months. Which means you might have to deal with the cameras as well. That's why I'm a little shocked by your enthusiasm."

Living The Dream (Sequel to My Love Or My Dream)Where stories live. Discover now