Gender Reveal

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Christie P.O.V

~Thursday October 27~

"So, US Champ, are you excited for your match this Sunday?"

Joe: yeah. Working Miro is easy so it's great. It's the hell in a cell part that I'm more concerned about

"Me too. I hate having to sit through these matches cause the risk of one wrong move causing serious injury goes up a lot. But the crowd loves going back & forth between you and Rusev so it should be good. To be honest I'm more excited for Sasha & Charlotte's match. I can't believe women are getting a hell in a cell match. I've always wanted to do those matches. The thought of being in a cage and getting to let your imagination go is so exciting me"

"I know you have. But you won't be stepping near any cages any time soon haha" he rested a hand on my little bump"

"I know. I just don't want to miss out on too much. It's already bad enough that I can't go to any shows right now in order to make sure this pregnancy stays a secret"

"Yeah. It just kinda sucks that the European tour starts Friday. So what are you gonna do while I'm gone babe?"

I sighed. "I don't know. I mean once you leave tomorrow, you'll be gone for 2 and a half weeks. Sunday I'll be 18 weeks, but you don't get back until the Tuesday after I hit 20 weeks. I'm supposed to have an anatomy scan to find out the baby's gender. My Dr. still has to get back to me to see if she can fit me in on Wednesday."

"I hope so because I want to be there. I gotta make sure you don't convince her to tell you the gender."

"What! You think I would do that haha"

"Yeah. In case you change your mind haha."

"They can email it to us and we can leave it but I'll plan it to work around your schedule. Either way I just know it's a girl. I feel it."

"How are you so sure? Haha"

"My family is pretty much dominated by women."

"It could still be a boy. I feel like Samoans for the most part produce men hahah. I've got some strong testosterone"

"I really want a girl though."

"I know you do babe" he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Do you want a boy?"

"It doesn't matter to me."


"Think babe, when we'd talk about kids did I ever say anything about a preference? I only talk about wanting an entire roster haha."

"You're ridiculous haha. A roster haha"

"Yeah. But healthy baby is most important."

"Of course"

"So what are you thinking for the gender reveal?"

"Well if we're gonna do it in the new house, I was thinking since survivor series is on the 20th we do a small party the Thursday after, or because I don't want any of the kids to miss out on school, we could do it the Saturday night before."

"How would that work?"

"If we do Saturday, the twins, Trin, Takecia & the kids can all come here, even spend the night & on Sunday we rent a bus to take you all to Atlanta. And there will be enough bunk beds for the kids to even sleep on there. Josh lives in Atlanta so it works out for him cause his family can even be taken home if they wanted to."

"Okay. I'll have to talk to the twins & see what they think. Who else do you want?"

"Well I'm hoping my family can come. So including the kids it's the 8 of them. Your mom, sisters & Matt plus their kids, and maybe your dad if he's not too busy haha."

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