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Mr. Jenkins was next. Again, it was unexpected. It was too soon for her to strike again. I had no doubt that it was her this time. She was the only one twisted enough to do that kind of thing. She was exceptional. I was not complaining. Mr. Jerkins was the biggest of the jerks. If I have even a half of my Bree’s courage, I would do it myself. I made sure to stay with my Dad from then onwards, just in case there were evidences needed to be rid of. I always had Bree’s back. The more she killed, the more my heart beats for her. It was twisted. Wicked. But that is what I feel.
The next death was that of Rebecca. I witnessed it not because I was lucky but because I made sure of it. I couldn’t it miss it again. I wanted to see her in action.  I had no idea who will be next but I had a feeling that it was bound to happen soon. After Mr. Jerkins’ murder, I instilled a hidden camera on Bree’s room to monitor her. It was a stalker move but I didn’t care, I was bordering to obsession anyway. It was an easy thing to do, especially when internet serves as means to everything. I watched her day by day even when it had nothing with bloody stuff. I watched her reading books, writing stuffs and even more time than one, practicing martial arts. She was more than good. It was amazing watching her doing jabs, kicks and flips. She really was incredible. It was a new discover for me. And I lost time watching her day and night. It was like watching a live sitcom show, my favourite show. I regretted not to have done it long before. I was sure to always lock my room.
The week she killed Rebecca, I noticed her acting unusual. Not in the presence of others, she very good in acting normally around us, but I watched her planning something in the vicinity of her room. I still had no idea that it was Rebecca but I knew that she was up to something. When she excused herself in attending Clancy’s party I knew then. It will happen there. And so I bided my time and waited for her to move. I attended Clancy’s party along with Jenzy. I observed everyone around me, searching for the possible victim, anyone related to Bree. After some time of waiting and still nothing happening, I pretended to excuse myself to go to the bathroom. I went to the back yard to wait. I was sure that it will be Bree’s mode of entrance. I stayed hidden behind an overgrown bush in the darkest corner. After twenty minutes of waiting, I saw a shadow scaling the enclosure. Bree. I knew it was her. She was wearing an overlarge hoodie that I didn’t recognize. Her hair was hidden as well as her shape and one could easily assume she was a man if seen. I stayed carefully hidden, unmoving as she passed at me. I followed her silently, inside the house and up the stairs. I was so careful for I was sure she would hear even one unusual noise. I saw her enter the second room on the left.  Wilfred’s room. I couldn’t enter the way she did and so I made my way back outside and scaled the walls instead. The Clancy residence was made of bricks. It was good in climbing walls. I made sure to stand outside Wilfred’s window.
I was not surprised to see Rebecca. She was among the top of my list of as prospective suspect. I witnessed it all, everything through the heavy curtains. It was a sight I will never forget till the day I die.  For the first time in my life, I saw Brittany King in action. I had been transfixed with the sight in front that I didn’t even care if I was caught. It was a terrifying sight. And also very beautiful. My mouth was open. My heart leaped in my chest again and again. My blood pulsing hard. My breathing ragged. It was an exhilarating feeling. Like I was the one doing the deed myself. Without looking, I know my eyes looks wild and wide. Like Bree’s. Her eyes were wide and gleaming and even with the dim lights I can see the glimmer of joy in them. She was not smiling but I could see that she was enjoying it. I knew she was losing control. I had to warn her, time is ticking. But I was unable to do so. Too engrossed watching to do anything.  It was beyond cruel as she stabbed and stabbed and stabbed again. A demon would be put to shame. Finally Bree stopped. She was covered in blood from her hair and her clothes were covered with it. Rebecca’s had lone stopped breathing. Some tendrils of hair had escaped from her bun and she never looked so beautiful than this. Like a goddess in a bloody night. She was glowing. I bit my lower lip from breathing loudly. I, myself, was not far from exploding. Too much feeling. It was just too intense.
As if awakening from the high, Bree slowly moved away from Rebecca’s now unrecognizable body. It was not a pleasant sight and I was amazed I was far from feeling nauseated at all. I was really one sick bastard. Bree and I suited each other. As she began cleaning her things, I silently crept away from the windows, carefully withdrawing the curtains from my grip. I made my way down staying out of sight. Bree followed. She went back inside the house for several minutes. I stayed in my hidden place. My knees still weak from the adrenaline. After a few minutes, she returned and I saw that she had changed her clothes. Brilliant. I watched her scaling the wall again, watching her back. I release a sigh when she was finally out of sight. Safe.
As I was about to return outside, I hear an ear-splitting scream from above. Shit. I immediately ran back to the house, careful to join the crowd as not to arouse suspicion. That was when I found Jenzy, gazing at the horrifying sight of Rebecca’s mutilated body. I informed my Dad immediately asking for some action, trying to maintain the calm among the crowd while waiting for him, pretending all along.

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