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The skies were already becoming dark and the air was starting to get chilly from the forest mist. But surprisingly, my skin was hot as if my blood was burning. I stopped walking and Jenzy as well, but she was now only a couple of feet away. She was begging me to stop joking already, tears forming in the corner of her eyes. In a cold empty voice, I told her that it was her mistake for being too nosy snooping with other’s affairs. Her eyes widened more, if possible. I told she should have stayed away from Bree’s business. I began moving closer towards her until I was only a little more than ten feet away, but she remained frozen on her feet, absorbing my every word. A new understanding dawning across her terrified face, but it was too late. I confirmed her suspicions about free and suddenly her knees gave out and she slumped on the forest floor, her mouth hanging open from shock. I didn’t have the time to explain everything to her though I owe it to her being Bree’s best friend and all. I should give her some explanation. But I didn’t want to waste more time, there were more patrols patrolling during the night and I couldn’t risk running into one now. And so I told her one last thing- about how it was always. Bree- the woman I love. Se begged me with her eyes, silently asking me to take it all back. But I had no time to spare. I slowly bend to reach a medium size rock lying at my feet before straightening out. Jenzy froze, her yes on the rock in my hand. Without warning, as fast as lightning, she scuttled up and darted way from me, running. But I was still faster, I chased her and easily knocked her down. I turned her toward me, wanting to see her face. My girlfriend. She was saying something but I couldn’t hear it from the blood rushing through my ears. She was crying and probably begging for me to let her life. She was not fighting me. Just lying their looking so helpless, begging. It would be useless anyway. I stared into her eyes and held her gaze. I owe it to her. It would be the last time I saw her eyes alive. I saw pain from it overshadowing the fear and I can see a glimmer of love, slowly dying as she would be. I slowly raised the stone high in the air, clamping my hands to her mouth now opening for a scream. One last look in her begging eyes, and then I strike.
Killing her took not even a minute. I made it quick. I don’t want her to suffer. She deserved to die a painless death. For Bree. I left her body lying there, lifeless, before I made my way back to my house making sure no one saw me sneaking back to my room. I get rid of my gloves in the toilet. As I lay in my bed, the adrenaline suddenly fading from my body, I began inspecting my emotions. It was my first kill and I couldn’t quite put what I was feeling. There was fear but there was no remorse at all. Instead I was feeling some sort of rightness. Her death was inevitable. For Bree. And above all that I was feeling some kind of satisfaction, a euphoric fleeing coursing through my veins. Like a man finding some water after being starved without for so long. It was freeing, the feeling. And my body was buzzing for more, wanting to experience the same exhilarating feeling. So it really was addicting. I could now understand Bree more than ever. Was this what she was feeling everytime? Ahh… so unfair. I was itching for more, a hunger I’ve never known before now visible across my eyes. I sighed and turned to my side, closing me eyes. Two and half hours later my phone rang, a small smile suddenly streaking my face. My Bree.
Jenzy will always hold a special part of my heart. After all, she was my first kill. What I feel for Bree is something deeper, more powerful than love, something sinister and twister but very real. I will do anything at all… for her.
After the incident, everything happened in a flash. I acted calm through all of that and they thought it was my own form of grief. I did not see Bree cry. Not even once. She remained stoic but I can see that she was grieving more than she was showing everyone. For someone who is a killer I can see that she did love Jenzy. Making her fall in love with me is a sort of plan.I strike when she was in her weakest, taking the chance and grieved with her all along. With her. I never left her side. And my efforts paid off. I made her love me more and more so the day she left me would never happen. To her it was something that just happened, but it was a careful laid plan to me. I was really lucky.
Until now.
“For such a killer, you sure are sloppy babe. You should avoid doing stuffs like this to begin with. Otherwise Jenzy would still be alive.”
Bree stilled. Stopping in her track.  I was almost touching distance with her, and still she lay unmoving staring straight ahead at my chest.  Looking at her now, I can’t help smiling. It was funny, seeing the mighty Bree shock frozen. So cute. I took another step towards her, and then pulled her close to my arms, caressing her hair softly. I lifted her head to mine so that she meets me in the eye. I caressed her face, memorizing every plane. She was too beautiful. So exquisite…
After so long, I finally had her. I won’t let this thing be the end of this. At least now, everything is in the open. A good thing in a relationship.
I saw not fear in her eyes or repulsion. Just shock and… something keen to wonder. I smiled. I’m sure she will understand. Slowly, I lowered my head and give her such long lasting kiss.

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