Understanding Ally

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"Born and raised in Georgia" Ally replied.

"So what do you do for a living?"

"Don't laugh..." she warned.

"I won't. I promise" he said as he put his hand on his heart dramatically.

"I'm a librarian".

"Librarian? Wow. I would not have picked that" he smiled.

"Far cry from the stereotypical fifty year old spinster with ten cats huh?" She said with a little laugh, and he couldn't help but think it was the cutest thing he had ever heard.

"I dunno... how many cats do you have so far?" He teased with a chuckle, making her smile a little more.

"Just the one. I swear. I'm more of a dog person".

"Me too" he smiled. "So you work at the local town library. What do you do there?"

"Yeah... you know just the usual, stacking books and helping people find things. I also run the little toddlers group there each week. You know, music, dancing and story time".

"That's cute" he grinned. "You don't have any family near by?" He asked, remembering on the bridge how she said she had no one.

"No" she replied with a shake of her head as she looked down at her hot chocolate and took a sip. "My parents both passed, and I'm an only child" she told him.

"I'm sorry, about your parents".

"It's okay. It was a while ago".

"So... no boyfriend?" He questioned.

"Not any more" she sad sadly.

"Oh... is he the reason you were on the bridge tonight?" He asked, trying to ease his way in to what he felt could be a difficult conversation for her.


"You wanna talk about it? It's cool if you don't. I just wanna help. I can be an ear if you need one".

"It's been a rough couple of years" she sighed. "I just... I'm hurting so much, and the one person who was supposed to understand... didn't. Now I just feel so broken... I don't know how to move forward".

"Maybe someone to listen will help? You know, offer some perspective. Can't hurt right?"

"I guess... I just. I don't like to bring others down with my problems you know?".

"Well you know what they say... a problem shared is a problem halved. Don't think of it as bringing others down. Think of it as taking some of the weight off your shoulders so they can help lift you up" he smiled.

"You're a glass half full kinda guy aren't you?" She smiled.

"I like to be optimistic".

"I like that" Ally replied.

"So... what's bothering you?" Jeff asked.

"I um... I can't... I don't know if I can talk about it here" she said quietly as tears began to well up in her eyes. "Th-theres too many people" she whispered looking around nervously.

"But you feel like you're ready to talk about it?" He asked, and she nodded in response. "Okay, I'll tell you what. Let's finish up here and I'll drive you home. Then if you still feel okay with talking about it, we can talk there, away from other people" he said and she nodded in agreement. He was determined to help Ally.

Once they had finished their food and drinks, Jeff paid and tipped May generously. "Thank you. See you again soon May" he said with his signature charming smile.

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