Overwhelming Feeling

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Ally knocked on Jeffrey's door, nervous about what the night would bring. It was their first official date since admitting they had feelings for one another.

She had worn a beautiful floral sundress, nothing too flashy but it showed off her body in all the right ways. Jeffrey opened the door to greet her and was rendered speechless.

"Hi" Ally said shyly.

"Hi... wow... you look beautiful Ally" he grinned.

"Thanks" she blushed, unable to stop the smile that spread across her face.

"God I love it when you smile. It is honestly the most beautiful thing in the world" Jeffrey told her with a charming grin.

"You're so sweet".

"Come on in" he gestured as he swung the door open wider letting her walk through and he followed behind her. "Can I get you a drink? Wine? Beer? Something non-alcoholic?"

"Beer please".

"Girl after my own heart" he smiled as he cracked open a bottle and handed it to her. "I hope you're hungry coz boy do I have a treat for you".

Ally couldn't help the blush that engulfed her cheeks at his words, taking their meaning to a completely different place.

"What are you thinking Ally? You're as red as a beetroot" Jeff teased.

"Nothing" she laughed shyly.

"Ahuh..." Jeff laughed, eyeing her skeptically.

"What's for dinner? Something smells amazing".

"Lasagne. My specialty" he grinned proudly.

"Yum... I can't wait" Ally replied excitedly.

"It should be ready in about thirty minutes. Come take a seat" he smiled as he led her over to the sofa. Sitting down next to Jeff, she took a long sip of her beer to try and calm her nerves. "Relax Sweetheart" he chuckled as he nodded to her slightly trembling hands. "You know you don't have to be nervous around me right?"

"Sorry I can't help it"

"You already know I like you... we're on an even playing field".

"I know, It's not you that's making me nervous... well not just you".

"What is it then Sweetheart?" He asked.

"If you had any idea what was going on in my head right now..." she sighed.

"Are you feeling down Ally? You know you can talk to me about it don't you? I don't want you to keep it to yourself".

"No, no. It's not that. I'm good. I'm happy" she smiled. "I umm... I just have this feeling... this overwhelming feeling and it kinda scares me".

"What kind of feeling Ally? Talk to me Sweetheart".

"I don't want to scare you away" she confessed.

"Whatever it is. It won't, I promise".

"Ever since we kissed... it's all I can think about. And whenever I'm with you I just have this overwhelming desire to touch you. To feel your skin beneath my fingers. To feel your lips pressed against mine" Ally told him, immediately blushing at her blatant confession.

"You're nervous because you wanna jump me?" Jeff chuckled.

"Pretty much" she giggled.

"Well fuck Sweetheart. You don't have to be shy about it. You know how I feel about you. If you wanna make a move you go right ahead" he grinned.

Ally took another sip of beer before leaning forward and placing the bottle on the coffee table. Standing up she stepped closer to Jeff, and without a word she straddled his lap, her hands gripping his broad shoulders as she kissed him with a burning desire.

"Fuck Ally..." he panted as they broke apart. "You have no idea how bad I want this. How bad I want you" he smiled as he littered her neck with soft kisses.

"I think I'm beginning to see...or rather feel it" she giggled as she ground her hips against him, the feel of his erection evident beneath his jeans.

"Shit..." he groaned at the friction between them. His hands made their way up her thighs, lifting her dress as he made a trail up her body. He gave her a questioning look as he stopped at her hips and she nodded for him to continue. Jeff wasted no time in removing the garment entirely, slipping it up over her head and tossing it aside.

Leaning back he took in the sight of her in her matching lace bra and panties. "God damn Sweetheart... you are all kinds of sexy" he whispered in a low and seductive tone, making her blush.

Ally quickly stripped him of his shirt and discarded it on the floor as she admired his slim but toned body. Running her fingers through the dusting of hair on his chest she captured his lips with her own, kissing him passionately.

"You're so Beautiful Ally. I wanna give you all the pleasure in the world".

"Please Jeff" she practically begged. "I want you so bad".

He began to rub her aching clit over her panties, making her moan and writhe against him. "You like that huh Sweetheart?" He grinned.

"Yes... fuck yes" Ally panted. It didn't take long before she became a quivering mess as he brought her closer to the edge. She came hard as continued to expertly rub her clit, his name tumbling from her lips in breathless whispers.

Jeffrey kissed her softly as she came down from her high. "That feel good Sweetheart?"

"Amazing... I've never come so fast before" she told him shyly.

"There's plenty more where that came from" he chuckled.

Ally's hand drifted to his jeans and she began to undo them, freeing his throbbing erection. She stroked him a few times, enjoying the look of pure ecstacy on his face. He removed her bra, tossing it aside as he admired her perfect breasts.

"I want you Jeff" she whispered as she nibbled on his ear lobe.

"I'm all yours Sweetheart" he smiled. Digging his wallet out of his back pocket he pulled out a condom, tearing the packet open he rolled it on.

Ally lifted herself up removing her panties as Jeff shuffled out of his jeans and kicked them away. She positioned his massive erection at her entrance before slowly sinking down onto him with a low moan. "Shit..." she sighed.

"You okay?"

"Definitely" she smiled as she began to slide up and down on him eliciting groans of pleasure from his lips. Ally kept a slow and steady pace, enjoying the feel of him deep inside of her. She could feel herself growing closer and closer to another orgasm. "I want you to make me scream" she panted with a cheeky smirk.

"Yes Ma'am" Jeff grinned as he stood up with her, his arms wrapped tightly around her body as he kept himself buried inside of her. Laying her down on the sofa he began to thrust deep and hard into her, grinning at the way her moans grew louder.

"Oh god..." Ally panted breathlessly.

"Fuck you're beautiful" he smiled as he claimed her lips in a passionate kiss. Increasing his pace he pounded into her tight pussy and he was rewarded as her moans turned to screams of pleasure.

"Oh Jeff... Oh fuck yes!" She screamed as he filled her up.

He could feel her walls tightening around him, pulling him closer to his own orgasm. "Come for me Ally" he growled, his voice deep and gruff.

Almost as soon as the words passed his perfect lips Ally came hard around him, pulling him over the edge with her, kissing her hard as he continued to thrust into her as she milked him.

They lay together for a moment, sweaty and out of breath. "Where have you been all my life?" She whispered as she stroked the hair on his chest.

"In all the wrong places. But I'm here now Sweetheart. And I'm yours" he grinned as he pressed his lips to hers, making her smile against his kiss.

Hope you all enjoyed this story :) I'm gonna finish this one here. Keep an eye out for future stories.

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