The Truth

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"You doing okay?" Jeff asked as the movie finished.

"Yeah... yeah I'm fine" Ally told him unconvinvingly.

"What's on your mind?" He asked, and she looked at him questioningly wondering how he knew. "I can see it in your eyes, your thinking really hard about something" he smiled knowingly. "You get that cute little crease right there" he grinned as he placed his fingertip on her forehead between her eyebrows.

"You noticed that?"

"I notice everything about you. C'mon spill. What's rolling around in that pretty head of yours?"

"What you said before. Did you really mean that?"

"Which part? When I said I'm here for you no matter what?... Or when I said you could have a real man who can make you scream with pleasure" he asked, a small smirk gracing his lips when he saw the way her cheeks flushed bright pink. "I meant both Sweetheart" he smiled.

'I umm I... I don't want to assume anything here but umm when you say a real man... y-you mean...?"

"Me Ally. I mean me" he stated simply. "Look I know you've been through hell. And I know things aren't easy for you right now and the last thing I want is to make things complicated for you. I care about you, you know that. I like you Ally, and I mean really like you. But I don't want you to think that I'm taking advantage coz I'm not like that I promise. The night we met I didn't have any intentions I just wanted to help you, but the more I get to know you the more I like what I see" he told her truthfully. "And if you're not ready for... well anything then that's fine. I can wait. I will wait until you are ready coz you are worth waiting for".

"I... I had no idea you felt that way. I thought maybe... maybe you pitied me or something" she whispered.

"Of course not Sweetheart. I mean I feel bad for all that you've been through, but I admire you so much for being strong enough to keep fighting. I don't like you out of pity... I like you coz you're you and your amazing".

"You like me" She repeated, still not able to believe it.

"I like you a lot".

"I like you too" she grinned. "I really wanna... I mean can I... can I kiss you right now?" She asked nervously.

"By all means Sweetheart" Jeff grinned.

Leaning closer she tentatively pressed her lips against his in a quick but sweet kiss before drawing back to look at him. The way his eyes darkened with lust as he looked at her made her feel giddy. Pressing her lips to his once again she kissed him more passionately this time, marvelling in the taste of his lips.

"Was that okay?" He asked as they broke apart.

"More than okay" Ally grinned.


Since the day they had their first kiss Ally hadn't seen Jeffrey in almost three weeks. He had been really busy with a hectic filming schedule but she couldn't help but let her insecurities get the better of her sometimes, wondering if he was avoiding seeing her. Maybe he had changed his mind? Despite his chaotic schedule he still made a point of messaging or calling her every day and that comforted her and helped to keep her intrusive insecure thoughts at bay.

It was Wednesday morning, Ally's favourite part of the week. She loved seeing the happy smiling faces of the children who came along to her weekly toddlers group. As the session began she started off with a couple of action songs to get the kids warmed up.

"Okay guys... for this next song I'm gonna need five little frogs to come up front and help me... who wants to be my little frogs today?" She asked and a bunch of children excitedly raised their hands. Picking out five children she got them to come up the front, preoccupied with what she was doing she didn't see Jeffrey slip in to the library.

"Okay my little frogs. Come sit up on this log right here" Ally smiled as the kids hopped up on to a wooden bench seat. Jeffrey watched on with a smile as Ally interacted with the children, loving the look of pure happiness on her face. "Alright who remembers this one. Are you all gonna help me sing this one?" She asked and all the children responded with a loud "Yeah!"

Pressing play on the ipod the music started to flow through the speakers and Ally began to sing. "Five little speckled frogs, sat on a speckled log, eating some most delicious bugs... yum yum! One jumped into the pool, where it was nice and cool" she sang as one child lept down onto the blue blanket below. "Now there are four green speckled frogs".

Making their way down the numbers they got to the end of the song and the children all clapped happily. "Great job every one" Ally smiled as she looked around the room at the kids, that's when she noticed Jeffrey perched against the wall by the door a cute grin on his face as he gave her a small nod which she returned. Suddenly she felt a little nervous, but she tried to carry on as if he wasn't there.

"Okay guys it's time for the bee song... I need another five helpers to be my little buzzing bees" Ally smiled as she picked out another five kids.

"The bees go buzzing one by one hurrah hurrah, the bees go buzzing one by one hurrah hurrah, the bees go buzzing one by one, the little one stops to have some fun... and they all go flying high, in the sky, to go back, to their hive... buzz buzz buzz" Ally sang along to the music as she helped the little toddlers buzz across the room.

She followed up with a few more songs and then read them a story. "Great job today everyone" she clapped. "You all did such wonderful singing and dancing! Now before we have something to eat... today is a special day" Ally grinned. "Today is Micah's birthday and he's turning four! So let's all sing a big happy birthday to Micah" Ally instructed as she began to lead them all in song.

"Well done everyone. Go have a seat at the tables and have a snack" she said and all the children raced to the tables and took a seat, waiting excitedly for something to eat.

As the parent helpers handed out the food Ally wandered over to Jeff. "You didn't tell me you were coming" she smiled shyly.

"Surprise" he chuckled. "I wanted to see you in action. You are so amazing with them. And where have you been hiding that voice!? You didn't tell me you could sing!"

"I can't. Well not really"

"I thought you sounded great. And the kids love you" he smiled. "You look so happy" he gushed, making her blush as she smiled shyly at him.

"How's filming going?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Crazy busy but I managed to get today off. What time do you finish?"


"Would you like to come over for dinner later?"

"Yeah, I'd like that".

"Great... so I'll see you at... say 5.30?"

"Perfect. I'll see you then" she grinned.

"Awesome" Jeffrey smiled before leaning in and planting a quick kiss on her lips. "See you later Sweetheart" he whispered, grinning as he noticed the blush on her cheeks.

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