Imagine #5

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You and Noah were fighting because Noah forgot to pick up his clothes around the house. "You are so annoying. Pick up your stuff!", you yelled at him.

"Stop pissing me off. You clearly woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.", he said angrily. "Correction: I couldn't even get to the other side of the bed because it was full of your clothes!", you screamed back.

"Oh and Noah? I pay the rent and you live with me! So do what I say!", you said frustrated. "You know what? Call me when you matured or when you got into a better mood, whatever comes first!", Noah yelled, grabbing his keys. "Where the fuck do you think you're going? I'm definitely not done with you!"

"I'm going somewhere you're not!", he yelled and slammed the door shut. You ran after him. "Noah, stop!", you yelled after him. "Go away from the car! Go away from the car y/n!", he yelled. "No, you stay here! Noah, don't you dare driving now!", you yelled at him.

He started his car and drove away. You wanted to follow him, so you got into your car and drove behind Noah. He couldn't just leave like this. You kept driving when you didn't see the car from the left side racing towards you.

You saw the car too late and it hit you. A few hours have passed and Noah came back home. "Y/n? Babe, I'm so sorry. Please don't be mad! Babe? Babe?", he called. He walked through the entire house and no clue of where you were.

"Hey, y/bf/n. Is Y/n with you?" "No, I tried calling her but she didn't pick up." "Thank you anyways.", he said and ended the call. Then he turned the TV on.
The news were on and they were talking about a car crash. A young girl, barley 25 got badly injured. They showed pictures of the car and then it hit him.

It was your car. He tried calling you. He was hoping that it wasn't you. You had a car that a lot of people had. Straight to the voicemail. Then he was called by an unknown number.

"Hello? Who's that?" "Hello, are you Noah Centineo?", a woman asked. "Yes, that's me. Why?" "I'm Miss Albert. We'd like to inform you about the crash of your girlfriend y/n y/l/n. She's in the local hospital.", the nice woman said. "I'm coming straight away.", he said then he hanged up.

He got back in his car and drove to the local hospital. "Excuse me, I'm looking for my girlfriend, y/n y/l/n!", he said out of breath. The woman typed something in the computer. "She's lying in room 159." "Thank you.", he said and then ran straight to the room.

He walked over to the room and looked inside. You were the only one inside. He walked in and squeezed your hand. Tears threatened to fall. "Babe? It's me, Noah. I'm so sorry. I-I shouldn't have left you. Babe, please wake up for me.", he begged. He was full on crying.

Then you squeezed his hand. He looked up. "Babe, can you open your eyes for me?" You slowly opened your eyes. "Where am I?", you asked weakly. "You're in the hospital. They brought you here after the car crash. I'm here, everything will be okay.", he said.

You nodded. "I'm sleepy." "Sleep my beautiful angel. I will be here when you wake up.", he said, kissing your forehead.

「𝐧𝐨𝐚𝐡 𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐨 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬」Where stories live. Discover now