Imagine #8

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You were sleeping over Noahs place the last couple of days. Your parents were strict so you told them that you were going to sleep over at a friends house. They didn't even know about the relationship between Noah and you.

You got home. You had missed your little puppy y/d/n and you couldn't wait to hold him in your arms.
"Mom, y/n is home!", your sister yelled. You could hear your mother storm into the hallway. She had her hands at her hips. She was mad.

"Y/n  Y/m/n Y/l/n, where have you been?", she asked. "I told you. I was sleeping over at Y/bf/n. Her parents said it was okay if I slept over. She needed me.", you explained. Thank Goodness that you had a scarf on. "If you'd excuse me, I have to do my homework.", you said, walking past her.

You walked up the stairs to your room. You took the scarf off to reveal a hickey on your neck. Noah had given it to you after your first night together. You smiled at memory.
"Y/n— oh my goodness, what is that?", your mother asked storming in. "I uh, I—" "Don't lie in my face, young lady.", she said.

Her eyes showed anger. "Who were you really with?", she asked firmly, "answer me!" "Like I said, with y/bf/n." "Oh, so your best friend gave you that hickey?", she asked surprised. "Mom, would you please calm down? It's not bad. I am old enough to make my own decisions!", you replied.

"Tell me who you were with!", she said even louder. "My boyfriend!", you yelled. "Your boyfriend? What boyfriend?", she asked, crossing her arms. "My boyfriend is who I've been staying with. I knew you would react like this if I had told you in the first place.", you explained.

"Who's he? I wanna meet him.", she said, her voice getting softer. "His name is Noah. We've been together for almost a year.", you said looking at your feet. "Invite him over.", she said and then she turned on her heels and walked back downstairs, leaving you alone in your room.

(A/N: sorry that this is so short but I have no inspiration at all whoops.)

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