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I paid, thanked the cab driver with practiced fake cheerfulness as I got out of the car.

Inside I saw Pau waiting with Bryce, a game of cards between them. Once they saw me they abandoned their game and lead the way towards the back of the shop. Down the stairs to where the meeting was held.

“So how are things back at base?” I question as I sat down in my chair and lit a cigar.

“The new recruits are improving and we've made a few new breakthroughs in the…” Pat explained, but I stop listening. Thinking about what I wanted for dinner.

Chicken? Pizza? Lobster? Mac and cheese? Mexican?

“...and lastly a few spies found out some useful information about some of the other armies.” Pau started after Pat finished.

He started to list off things, but I really only heard the last one. The one that stood out the most.

"And lastly, some old reports from the Blue Army," Pau said, "at least twenty four different ones, but one set stands out,"

"How so?" I asked now interested, instead of bored out of my mind. Sitting up, blowing out smoke, eyes focused on Pau.

"Well, there about an experiment called, project 431,"

I sighed, the Blue army never had good names for anything, or even actual names for that matter, they were just numbered. Boring.

Pat continued on, "What project 431, is about is still unknown due to us only getting the last few reports so far,"

"And?" I asked impatiently wanting to know more about the mysterious project. The Blue Army, when it was still in its prime, was a force to be reckoned with. Usually peaceful neutral, usually.

"Well, sir if you read them you'll understand," Pat spoke sassy as he handed me a folder full of old reports. The urge to smack him upside his head was calmed when Pau elbowed him.

After reading through them I didn't know what to think. After 8 weeks of searching, they just let the project go? I've never known the blue army to let anything go, not without a fight.

Yet, a project that lasted well over ten years with its own department, they just let it go, after only EIGHT weeks?

After a while, the meeting had ended and everyone went their separate ways, but Tord’s mind was still at the meeting. Specifically the blue project.

Why? What did the Blue army gain from letting go of such a project?
Third POV

We sat and waited for Tord to come home. Everyone was worried about what Tord thought and what he would do. If things went south they had a plan.

They had bags packed and enough money to stay at a hotel for a bit. This wasn't the first time something like this happened. They could only hope it was the last. Poor George was probably still wandering around in that desert.

They heard the door open and Tord makes his way inside. He was carrying a few folders full of papers and he looked tired.

His hair was a little disheveled like he had run his fingers through it more than once and he had dark, tired, circles under his eyes.

Tord saw us and said a tired, “Night,” before he started up the stairs.

“We'll talk to him Tomorrow,” Edd said then jokingly, “Did you see him? He's probably already asleep,”

Tom was slightly saddened that he had to wait to find out if he could leave the devil-horned menace stranded at sea.

Tord POV

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