Chapter 1 • Cold

39 2 1

April 09, 2019

As I lay in my soft bed that seems much more irritable as of now, for the reason that I'm very eager to get out of bed today. Today finally the day I've been waiting 6 months for. I will finally get to meet my idols.

I've been waiting so long for this moment and it seemed so unachievable at one time, but now I will finally get the chance to meet them. I go to my closet and grab my black distressed skinny jeans, I then grab my black and white checkered slip-on Vans, White logo crop top and a black bomber jacket because it's still winter.

I went to my bathroom and curled my hair into tight knots so that they would last for hours. I put on very little makeup then, I grab my bag and head outside to wait for the uber to arrive.

I'm 17 but I don't have a car yet, we don't really have the money to afford one. The venue is about 45 minutes away and because I didn't pay full price I wasn't the only passenger. I put in my earbuds and gaze out the window as the road seems to sweep underneath the car.

I never really liked socializing with strangers or having "small talk" it always seemed pointless, like why would you talk to someone if you never have to see them again? Anyways, as I kept my eyes on the road my mind was racing constantly thinking about what they'll think of me or if they'll like me and how important this is but, then in the back of my mind I'm thinking they don't like you, you're just a fan. My mind starts to disintegrate that thought and a feel my smile creep back onto my face thinking about them again.

All though it only felt like 5 minutes, the 45-minute drive was over. I get out of the car and see the entrance to the building and a long entry line. Everybody's outside waiting to get in for the meet and greet waiting in the ice cold winter snow. I get to the back of the line and in about 15 people in. There was still a good half an hour before the Meet and Greet. Again as I went back to being like myself from the car I feel a very light tap on my shoulder.

I turn around and see a girl who looked around my age with long brown curly hair. "Hi, may I ask where did you get your jacket from?" the brown-eyed girl peacefully asked me. " uhh.." I stutter confused as to why this beautiful girl wants to ask me- ME about fashion, I'm probably the laziest person when it comes to fashion. My wardrobe consists of sweaters, crop tops, jeans and leggings. Although I was confused I still answered. "oh uh... Brandy Melville.. Why are you asking"
" Oh I just really liked it, sorry"
As she answered it seemed as I may have been a little harsh in my answer as it seemed on the look on her porcelain face.
"no, no, no sorry I didn't mean it like that, it's very unusual for someone to ask me about fashion."
"Oh, no problem!"
She turned back around with a smile on her face. I hope I made that better anyway, I continue to stand in line and I put my earphones back in and stand quietly and very cold shivering, but nonetheless, I'm more shivering in nervousness to meet them.

Woohoo, First Chapter!!!
I hope yall like it💗💗
tried something new

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