Chapter 3 • Concussion

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April 09, 2019
Jack's POV
So we have another show today in Toronto and we have a meet and greet first. It's freezing outside and there's a ton of people in line. Sometimes i feel bad for all the people in line like, they wait hours just to meet me? That's one thing that i could never wrap my mind around is how many people actually like me.

As we're doing the meet and greet a girl with long brown curly hair comes in. Oh my lord, she's gorgeous. She said her name was Gabbie, i hug her a bit longer than the guys to savour it. During the picture, i kissed her cheek anyways. As she left i grabbed her hand and whispered to meet me here after the concert. I did it quick so no one could see but she blushed and nodded and when the door to leave closed i heard a scream of excitement.

But, just as i look to the next girl coming in she walks in and turns as pale as a ghost. Her eyes rolled back and she hit the floor. The guys and i ran over me and Daniel both kneeled down while Tyler called 911. She was really pretty and Daniel seemed very concerned. Don't get me wrong we all were really scared but Daniel seemed terrified.

All concert the guys and i were nervous. After the concert, i quickly ran to meet Gabbie outside the previously agreed upon location. As i run off stage to the room i see her and grab her arm and pull her into another room so no fans see me and try to talk to me. I told Gabbie what happened with that girl and how i wanted to get to the hospital quick.

But, i gave her my number. I told her to text me cause i wanted to get to know her. She was blushing a lot and had a huge grin on her face. She had a really pretty smile. She was perfect. She had curly hair, A perfect smile and she was gorgeous. Now, let's just hope she's as nice as she looks. I told her i had to go now and i ran to the tour bus and told them i was leaving. Daniel wanted to come but i think that would be a lot to handle for her so, i took a Lyft to the closest hospital.

Once i got there i ran up to the front desk and then proceeded to realize i didn't know her name. So, i still asked. " Umm... hi weird question but i just held a concert and during a meet and greet one of the fans fainted. The ambulance came and now the concerts over. Is there any chance you have any idea where she is so i can visit her?"
"Well can you give a slight physical description"
"Uh... She had a black jacket on... shortish brown hair and skinny"
" I believe you're looking for Makena Gallagher, she's down the hall in room 201ER"
"Thank you so much"

I walk very quickly down the hall and get to her room. I get there and peek in the window to look for family or somebody but, i didn't see anyone. I slowly but quietly open the door and see she's sleeping. I didn't know what to do so, i just sat in the chair beside her bed.

I sat there just watching her. Not in a creepy way just in a longingly way. I felt so bad. She didn't have any family and she never got to see us perform instead she spent tons of money cause management hypes up all the prices and now she's lying in a hospital bed. Anyways i hear the door open and see a nurse walk in. She came over to me and explained what had happened to her. A concussion really? i feel awful. The nurse said she was just gonna let her wake up naturally and then warn her so she doesn't freak out again.

I see the nurse walked over to her and talk to her and then she turned around.

Love that i put out another chapter💗💗

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